Commit 500adba8 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

acam: initial (not complete) implementation

parent d52abcd9
* Accessing the ACAM chip and configuring it.
* Copyright (C) 2012 CERN (
* Author: Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* Author: Alessandro Rubini <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation or, at your
* option, any later version.
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include "fine-delay.h"
#include "hw/fd_main_regs.h"
#include "hw/acam_gpx.h"
* Calculation is fixed point: picoseconds and 16 decimals (i.e. ps << 16).
* We know the bin is small, but the Tref is several nanos so we need 64 bits
* (although our current values fit in 32 bits after the division)
#define ACAM_FP_BIN ((int)(ACAM_DESIRED_BIN * (1 << 16)))
#define ACAM_FP_TREF (((1000LL * 1000 * 1000) << 16) / ACAM_CLOCK_FREQ_KHZ)
static int acam_calc_pll(uint64_t tref, int bin, int *hsdiv_out,
int *refdiv_out)
int x, refdiv, hsdiv;
* Tbin(I-mode) = (Tref << refdiv) / (216 * hsdiv)
* so, calling X the value "hsdiv >> refdiv" we have
* X = Tref / (216 * Tbin)
* Then, we can choose refdiv == 7 to have the best bits,
* and then shift out the zeros to get smaller values.
x = (tref << 16) / 216 / bin;
//printf("x = %lf\n", (double)x / (1<<16));
/* Now, shift out the max bits (usually 7) and drop decimal part */
hsdiv = (x << refdiv) >> 16;
/* Check the first decimal bit and approximate */
if ((x << refdiv) & (1 << 15))
/* until we have zeroes as LSB, shift out to decrease pll quotient */
while (refdiv > 0 && !(hsdiv & 1)) {
hsdiv >>= 1;
*hsdiv_out = hsdiv;
*refdiv_out = refdiv;
/* Finally, calculate what we really have */
return (tref << refdiv) / 216 / hsdiv;
static void acam_set_address(struct spec_fd *fd, int addr)
if (addr == fd->acam_addr)
if (fd->acam_addr == -1) {
/* first time */
fd_gpio_dir(fd, 0xf00, FD_GPIO_OUT);
fd_gpio_val(fd, 0xf00, addr << 8);
fd->acam_addr = addr;
/* Warning: acam_readl and acam_writel only work if GCR.BYPASS is set */
static uint32_t acam_readl(struct spec_fd *fd, int reg)
acam_set_address(fd, reg);
writel(FD_TDCSR_READ, fd->regs + FD_REG_TDCSR);
return readl(fd->regs + FD_REG_TDR) & ACAM_MASK;
static void acam_writel(struct spec_fd *fd, int val, int reg)
writel(val, fd->regs + FD_REG_TDR);
writel(FD_TDCSR_WRITE, fd->regs + FD_REG_TDCSR);
static inline int acam_is_pll_locked(struct spec_fd *fd)
return !(acam_readl(fd, 12) &AR12_NotLocked);
/* Two test functions to verify the bus is working -- Tom */
static int acam_test_addr_bit(struct spec_fd *fd, int base, int bit,
int data)
int addr1 = base;
int addr2 = base + (1<<bit);
int reg;
reg = acam_readl(fd, addr1) & ~data;
acam_writel(fd, reg, addr1); /* zero the data mask */
reg = acam_readl(fd, addr2) | data;
acam_writel(fd, reg, addr2); /* set the data mask */
if ((acam_readl(fd, addr1) & data) != 0)
return -EIO;
if ((acam_readl(fd, addr2) & data) != data)
return -EIO;
/* the other way around */
reg = acam_readl(fd, addr2) & ~data;
acam_writel(fd, reg, addr2); /* zero the data mask */
reg = acam_readl(fd, addr1) | data;
acam_writel(fd, reg, addr1); /* set the data mask */
if ((acam_readl(fd, addr2) & data) != 0)
goto out;
if ((acam_readl(fd, addr1) & data) != data)
goto out;
return 0;
pr_err("%s: ACAM address bit %i failure\n", KBUILD_MODNAME, bit);
return -EIO;
static int acam_test_bus(struct spec_fd *fd)
int err = 0, i, v;
/* Use register 5 to checke the data bits */
for(i = 0; i & ACAM_MASK; i <<= 1) {
acam_writel(fd, i, 5);
acam_readl(fd, 0);
v = acam_readl(fd, 5);
if (v != i)
goto out;
acam_writel(fd, ~i & ACAM_MASK, 5);
acam_readl(fd, 0);
v = acam_readl(fd, 5);
if (v != (~i & ACAM_MASK))
goto out;
err += acam_test_addr_bit(fd, 0, 0, 0x000001);
err += acam_test_addr_bit(fd, 1, 1, 0x000008);
err += acam_test_addr_bit(fd, 0, 2, 0x000001);
err += acam_test_addr_bit(fd, 3, 3, 0x010000);
if (err)
return -EIO;
return 0;
pr_err("%s: ACAM data bit 0x%06x failure\n", KBUILD_MODNAME, i);
return -EIO;
int fd_acam_init(struct spec_fd *fd)
fd->acam_addr = -1; /* First time must be activated */
return 0;
void fd_acam_exit(struct spec_fd *fd)
/* nothing to do */
......@@ -3,12 +3,25 @@
struct spec_fd {
struct spec_dev *spec;
unsigned char __iomem *base; /* regs files are byte-oriented */
unsigned char __iomem *base; /* regs files are byte-oriented */
unsigned char __iomem *regs;
int acam_addr; /* cache of currently active addr */
#define FD_REGS_OFFSET 0x84000
/* Values for the configuration of the acam PLL. Can be changed */
#define ACAM_DESIRED_BIN 80.9553
#define ACAM_CLOCK_FREQ_KHZ 31250
* You can change the following value to have a pll with smaller divisor,
* at the cost of potentially less precision in the desired bin value.
#define ACAM_MASK ((1<<29) - 1) /* 28 bits */
/* SPI Bus chip selects */
#define FD_CS_PLL 1 /* AD9516 PLL */
#define FD_CS_GPIO 2 /* MCP23S17 GPIO */
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