Commit 6155e5de authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

fd_wr_mode: don't write GCR, that would disable input

parent ff9e552f
......@@ -119,11 +119,9 @@ static int fd_zio_info_tdc(struct device *dev, struct zio_attribute *zattr,
static int fd_wr_mode(struct spec_fd *fd, int on)
if (on) {
fd_writel(fd, 0, FD_REG_GCR);
fd_writel(fd, FD_TCR_WR_ENABLE, FD_REG_TCR);
set_bit(FD_FLAG_WR_MODE, &fd->flags);
} else {
fd_writel(fd, 0, FD_REG_GCR);
fd_writel(fd, 0, FD_REG_TCR);
clear_bit(FD_FLAG_WR_MODE, &fd->flags);
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