Commit 8779d604 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

time: get_time now works

parent 2cb2cad0
......@@ -55,30 +55,24 @@ int fd_time_set(struct spec_fd *fd, struct fd_time *t, struct timespec *ts)
/* If fd_time is not null, use it. Otherwise use ts */
int fd_time_get(struct spec_fd *fd, struct fd_time *t, struct timespec *ts)
uint32_t h1, l1, h2, l2, c;
uint32_t tcr, h, l, c;
unsigned long flags;
spin_lock_irqsave(&fd->lock, flags);
/* get the tuple. If inconsistent re-read the high part */
h1 = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_SECH);
l1 = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_SECL);
c = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_CYCLES);
h2 = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_SECH);
l2 = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_SECL);
if (h2 != h1 || l2 != l1) {
c = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_CYCLES);
h1 = h2;
l1 = l2;
tcr = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TCR);
fd_writel(fd, tcr | FD_TCR_CAP_TIME, FD_REG_TCR);
h = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_SECH);
l = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_SECL);
c = fd_readl(fd, FD_REG_TM_CYCLES);
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fd->lock, flags);
printk("got %i %i %i\n", h1, l1, c);
printk("%s: got %i %i %i\n", __func__, h, l, c);
if (t) {
t->utc = ((uint64_t)h1 << 32) | l1;
t->utc = ((uint64_t)h << 32) | l;
t->coarse = c;
if (ts) {
ts->tv_sec = ((uint64_t)h1 << 32) | l1;
ts->tv_sec = ((uint64_t)h << 32) | l;
ts->tv_nsec = c * 8;
return 0;
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