Commit bec4221b authored by Jose Jimenez's avatar Jose Jimenez Committed by Alessandro Rubini

kernel/calibration.c: sdbfs_open_id endianess correction

This is needed because another project builds this file for the lm32,
which is big-endian.  This makes no effect on the PC.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent d3e5b363
......@@ -99,7 +99,9 @@ static int fd_read_calibration_eeprom(struct fmc_device *fmc,
return ret;
/* Open "cali" as a device id, vendor is "FileData" -- big endian */
ret = sdbfs_open_id(&fs, 0x61746144656c6946LL, 0x696c6163);
ret = sdbfs_open_id(&fs,
be32_to_cpu(0x63616c69) /* "cali" */);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = sdbfs_fread(&fs, 0, (void *)calib, sizeof(*calib));
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