Commit f751d096 authored by Juan David González Cobas's avatar Juan David González Cobas Committed by Alessandro Rubini

lib: provide fdelay_add_ps for fdelay_config_pulse_ps

In fdelay_config_pulse_ps, the pulse length is given in
picoseconds but, for some reason, computation of the
pulse end time by addition of that length was commented

This requires fdelay_add_ps to be implemented. There is a
similar function in fine-delay.h, but it is only accessible
to kernel-space code and is particular to zio attributes.
parent 705c9c41
......@@ -112,6 +112,26 @@ extern int fdelay_config_pulse(struct fdelay_board *userb,
return 0;
static void fdelay_add_ps(struct fdelay_time *p, uint64_t ps)
uint32_t coarse, frac;
/* FIXME: this silently fails with ps > 10^12 = 1s */
coarse = ps / 8000;
frac = ((ps % 8000) << 12) / 8000;
p->frac += frac;
if (p->frac >= 4096) {
p->frac -= 4096;
p->coarse += coarse;
if (p->coarse > 125*1000*1000) {
p->coarse -= 125*1000*1000;
/* The "pulse_ps" function relies on the previous one */
int fdelay_config_pulse_ps(struct fdelay_board *userb,
int channel, struct fdelay_pulse_ps *ps)
......@@ -122,7 +142,7 @@ int fdelay_config_pulse_ps(struct fdelay_board *userb,
p.rep = ps->rep;
p.start = ps->start;
p.end = ps->start;
// fdelay_add_ps(&p.end, ps->length);
fdelay_add_ps(&p.end, ps->length);
fdelay_pico_to_time(&ps->period, &p.loop);
return fdelay_config_pulse(userb, channel, &p);
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