Commit 082fa5b2 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

Add a note explaining how to setup a test PC.

parent 4d17838c
This note explains how to setup an Ubuntu PC for FmcAdc100M14b4cha production
test suite.
Ubuntu version must be 11.04
The following packages must be installed:
Copy PTS git repository:
cd ~
git clone git://
Pyro4 must be installed:
cd ~/pts/test/fmcadc100m14b4cha/python/
tar -xf Pyro4-4.10.tar.gz
cd Pyro4-4.10
chmod +x
sudo python install
Create the following file:
sudo touch /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/larz/
Compile gnurabbit stuff:
cd ~/pts/gnurabbit
Install rawrabbit driver (so it loads at startup):
cd ~/pts/gnurabbit/kernel
make install
Create a script file to launch the test program:
cd ~
chmod +x
Edit the script file as follow:
echo " "
echo " "
echo "********************************************************************************"
echo "* FmcAdc100M14b4cha Test program *"
echo "********************************************************************************"
echo " "
cd ~/pts && sudo ./
Create an alias to be able to launch the test program by typing "test".
Add the fllowing to ~/.bashrc
alias test='~/'
Define bash as the default shell:
chsh -s /bin/bash <username>
In "System > Preferences > Startup Applications" add the following to
automatically open a terminal at startup:
Command: gnome-terminal
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