Commit 02df9202 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

replaced timestamp counter with high/low parts with single 48-bit counter. seems…

replaced timestamp counter with high/low parts with single 48-bit counter. seems to eliminate bug with bit flipping high prematurely. also gives shorter and easier to read code
parent 82d99e73
......@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ BEGIN
s_status_to_ipbus(5) <= s_external_veto_word;
s_external_veto_word(0) <= veto_i;
s_external_veto_word(g_IPBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 1) <= (others=>'0');
-- s_status_to_ipbus(6) <= s_PulseStretchWord;
s_status_to_ipbus(6) <= s_PulseStretchWord;
s_status_to_ipbus(7) <= s_PulseDelayWord;
s_status_to_ipbus(6) <= std_logic_vector(s_aux_trigger_counter);-- Bodge
-- s_status_to_ipbus(6) <= std_logic_vector(s_aux_trigger_counter);-- Bodge
-- purpose: Delay pulse that loads trigger pattern by one cycle of IPBus clk.
-- type : combinational
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