Commit 034e8ac6 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Changing root output file formwat

parent 1af21942
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<connection id="minitlu" uri="chtcp-2.0://localhost:10203?target=" address_table="file://miniTLU.xml" />
<!-- connection id="minitlu" uri="chtcp-2.0://localhost:10203?target=" address_table="file://miniTLU.xml" / -->
<connection id="minitlu" uri="​ipbusudp-2.0://" address_table="file://miniTLU.xml" />
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ CURRENT_DIR=${0%/*}
echo "Current directory " $CURRENT_DIR
export PYTHONPATH=$CURRENT_DIR/../PyChips_1_5_0_pre2A/src
export PYTHONPATH=$CURRENT_DIR/../../../../PyChips_1_5_0_pre2A/src
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cactus/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/usr/bin/:/opt/cactus/bin:$PATH
python $CURRENT_DIR/ $@
python $CURRENT_DIR/ $@
# Script to setup AIDA TLU for TPix3 telescope <--> TORCH synchronization
# David Cussans, December 2012
# Nasty hack - use both PyChips and uHAL ( for block read ... )
from PyChipsUser import *
from FmcTluI2c import *
import uhal
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
from optparse import OptionParser
# For single character non-blocking input:
import select
import tty
import termios
from initTLU import *
def isData():
return[sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], [])
now ='%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%S')
default_filename = '/data/tlu/tluData_' + now + '.txt.gz'
parser = OptionParser()
default=default_filename,help='Path of output file')
default="True",help='Set True to write timestamps to ROOT file')
default="True",help='Set True to print timestamps to screen (nothing printed unless also output to file) ')
default=False,help='Set True to veto triggers when shutter goes high')
parser.add_option('-d','--pulseDelay',dest='pulseDelay', type=int,
default=0x00,help='Delay added to input triggers. Four 5-bit numbers packed into 32-bt word, Units of 6.125ns')
default=0x00,help='Width added to input triggers. Four 5-bit numbers packed into 32-bt word. Units of 6.125ns')
default=0xFFFEFFFE,help='Pattern match to generate trigger. Two 16-bit words packed into 32-bit word.')
default=0x01,help='Three-bit mask selecting which DUTs are active.')
default=0x0F,help='Three-bit mask selecting which DUTs can veto triggers by setting BUSY high. Low = can veto, high = ignore busy.')
default=0,help='Interval between internal trigers ( in units of 6.125ns ). Set to zero to turn off internal triggers')
default=-0.2,help='Threshold voltage for TLU inputs ( units of volts)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
from ROOT import TFile, TTree
from ROOT import gROOT
print "Setting up AIDA TLU to supply clock and trigger to TORCH readout\n"
# Point to board in uHAL
manager = uhal.ConnectionManager("file://./connection.xml")
hw = manager.getDevice("minitlu")
device_id =
# Point to TLU in Pychips
bAddrTab = AddressTable("./aida_mini_tlu_addr_map.txt")
# Assume DIP-switch controlled address. Switches at 2
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,"",50001)
# Open Root file
print "Opening ROOT file ",options.rootFname
f = TFile( options.rootFname, 'RECREATE' )
# Create a root "tree"
tree = TTree( 'T', 'TLU Data' )
highWord =0
lowWord =0
bufPos = 0
# create a branch for each piece of data
tree.Branch( 'tluHighWord' , highWord , "HighWord/l")
tree.Branch( 'tluLowWord' , lowWord , "LowWord/l")
tree.Branch( 'tluTimeStamp' , timeStamp , "TimeStamp/l")
tree.Branch( 'tluBufPos' , bufPos , "Bufpos/s")
tree.Branch( 'tluEvtNumber' , evtNumber , "EvtNumber/i")
tree.Branch( 'tluEvtType' , evtType , "EvtType/b")
tree.Branch( 'tluTrigFired' , trigsFired, "TrigsFired/b")
# Initialize TLU registers
initTLU( uhalDevice = hw, pychipsBoard = board, listenForTelescopeShutter = options.listenForTelescopeShutter, pulseDelay = options.pulseDelay, pulseStretch = options.pulseStretch, triggerPattern = options.triggerPattern , DUTMask = options.DUTMask, ignoreDUTBusy = options.ignoreDUTBusy , triggerInterval = options.triggerInterval, thresholdVoltage = options.thresholdVoltage )
loopWait = 0.1
oldEvtNumber = 0
oldPreVetotriggerCount ="PreVetoTriggersR")
oldPostVetotriggerCount ="PostVetoTriggersR")
oldThresholdCounter0 =0
oldThresholdCounter1 =0
oldThresholdCounter2 =0
oldThresholdCounter3 =0
print "Starting polling loop"
eventFifoFillLevel = 0
loopRunning = True
runStarted = False
oldTime = time.time()
# Save old terminal settings
oldTermSettings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
while loopRunning:
if isData():
c =
print "Got input: ", c
if c == 't':
loopRunning = False
print "Terminating loop"
elif c == 'c':
runStarted = True
print "Starting Run"
startTLU( uhalDevice = hw, pychipsBoard = board, writeTimestamps = ( options.writeTimestamps == "True" ) )
elif c == 'f':
# runStarted = True
print "Stopping triggers "
stopTLU( uhalDevice = hw, pychipsBoard = board )
if runStarted:
eventFifoFillLevel = hw.getNode("eventBuffer.EventFifoFillLevel").read()
preVetotriggerCount = hw.getNode("triggerLogic.PreVetoTriggersR").read()
postVetotriggerCount = hw.getNode("triggerLogic.PostVetoTriggersR").read()
timestampHigh = hw.getNode("Event_Formatter.CurrentTimestampHR").read()
timestampLow = hw.getNode("Event_Formatter.CurrentTimestampLR").read()
thresholdCounter0 = hw.getNode("triggerInputs.ThrCount0R").read()
thresholdCounter1 = hw.getNode("triggerInputs.ThrCount1R").read()
thresholdCounter2 = hw.getNode("triggerInputs.ThrCount2R").read()
thresholdCounter3 = hw.getNode("triggerInputs.ThrCount3R").read()
newTime = time.time()
timeDelta = newTime - oldTime
oldTime = newTime
#print "time delta = " , timeDelta
preVetoFreq = (preVetotriggerCount-oldPreVetotriggerCount)/timeDelta
postVetoFreq = (postVetotriggerCount-oldPostVetotriggerCount)/timeDelta
oldPreVetotriggerCount = preVetotriggerCount
oldPostVetotriggerCount = postVetotriggerCount
deltaCounts0 = thresholdCounter0 - oldThresholdCounter0
oldThresholdCounter0 = thresholdCounter0
deltaCounts1 = thresholdCounter1 - oldThresholdCounter1
oldThresholdCounter1 = thresholdCounter1
deltaCounts2 = thresholdCounter2 - oldThresholdCounter2
oldThresholdCounter2 = thresholdCounter2
deltaCounts3 = thresholdCounter3 - oldThresholdCounter3
oldThresholdCounter3 = thresholdCounter3
print "pre , post veto triggers , pre , post frequency = " , preVetotriggerCount , postVetotriggerCount , preVetoFreq , postVetoFreq
print "Current timestamp High,Low (hex) = " , hex(timestampHigh) , hex(timestampLow)
print "Input counts 0,1,2,3 = " , thresholdCounter0 , thresholdCounter1 , thresholdCounter2 , thresholdCounter3
print "Input freq (Hz) 0,1,2,3 = " , deltaCounts0/timeDelta , deltaCounts1/timeDelta , deltaCounts2/timeDelta , deltaCounts3/timeDelta
nEvents = int(eventFifoFillLevel)//4 # only read out whole events ( 4 x 32-bit words )
wordsToRead = nEvents*4
print "FIFO fill level = " , eventFifoFillLevel
print "number of events in FIFO = ",nEvents
print "words to read from FIFO = ",wordsToRead
# get timestamp data and fifo fill in same outgoing packet.
timestampData = hw.getNode("eventBuffer.EventFifoData").readBlock(wordsToRead)
# print timestampData
for bufPos in range (0, nEvents ):
lowWord = timestampData[bufPos*4 + 1] + 0x100000000* timestampData[ (bufPos*4) + 0] # timestamp
highWord = timestampData[bufPos*4 + 3] + 0x100000000* timestampData[ (bufPos*4) + 2] # evt number
evtNumber = timestampData[bufPos*4 + 3]
if evtNumber != ( oldEvtNumber + 1 ):
print "***WARNING *** Non sqeuential event numbers *** , evt,oldEvt = ", evtNumber , oldEvtNumber
oldEvtNumber = evtNumber
timeStamp = lowWord & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
evtType = timestampData[ (bufPos*4) + 0] >> 28
trigsFired = (timestampData[ (bufPos*4) + 0] >> 16) & 0xFFF
if (options.printTimestamps == "True" ):
print "bufferPos, highWord , lowWord , event-number , timestamp , evtType = %x %016x %016x %08x %012x %01x %03x" % ( bufPos , highWord , lowWord, evtNumber , timeStamp , evtType , trigsFired)
# Fill root branch - see example in : write raw data and decoded data for now.
time.sleep( loopWait)
# Fixme - at the moment infiniate loop.
preVetotriggerCount ="PreVetoTriggersR")
postVetotriggerCount ="PostVetoTriggersR")
print "Exited loop"
print "\n\nPre,post trigger count at end of run " , preVetotriggerCount , postVetotriggerCount
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldTermSettings)
echo "Current directory " $CURRENT_DIR
export PYTHONPATH=$CURRENT_DIR/../../../../PyChips_1_5_0_pre2A/src
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cactus/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/usr/bin/:/opt/cactus/bin:$PATH
python $CURRENT_DIR/ $@
......@@ -23,26 +23,32 @@ bAddrTab = AddressTable("./aida_mini_tlu_addr_map.txt")
# Assume DIP-switch controlled address. Switches at 2
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,"",50001)
# Check the bus for I2C devices
boardi2c = FmcTluI2c(board)
useI2C = False
if useI2C:
# Check the bus for I2C devices
boardi2c = FmcTluI2c(board)"FirmwareId")
print "Firmware = " , hex(firmwareID)
print "Scanning I2C bus:"
scanResults = boardi2c.i2c_scan()
print scanResults
if useI2C:
print "Scanning I2C bus:"
scanResults = boardi2c.i2c_scan()
print scanResults
boardId = boardi2c.get_serial_number()
print "FMC-TLU serial number = " , boardId
boardId = boardi2c.get_serial_number()
print "FMC-TLU serial number = " , boardId
resetClocks = 0
resetSerdes = 0
# set DACs to -200mV
print "Setting all threshold DAC to -200mV "
boardi2c.set_threshold_voltage(7, -0.2)
if useI2C:
# set DACs to -200mV
print "Setting all threshold DAC to -200mV "
boardi2c.set_threshold_voltage(7, -0.2)
clockStatus ="LogicClocksCSR")
print "Clock status = " , hex(clockStatus)
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