Commit 76cc77cc authored by Paolo Baesso's avatar Paolo Baesso


parent 31c84c50
......@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi
bit 0= CONT, bit 1= SPARE, bit 2= TRIG, trig 3= BUSY. Note that the direction of the CLOCK pair is defined in a separate parameter.
\item[HDMI2\_set] \verb|[positive int, 0b0001]| Define the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI2| connector.
\item[HDMI3\_set] \verb|[positive int, 0b0001]| Define the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI3| connector.
\item[HDMI4\_set] \verb|[positive int, 0b0001]| Define the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI4| connector.
\item[HDMI4\_set] \verb|[positive int, 0b0001]| Define the direction of the pins for the \verb|HDMI4| connector. Yah
\ No newline at end of file
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