Commit d0813166 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Forgot to add counterWithResetPreset_rtl.vhd in previous commit

parent 001e9832
--! @file counterWithResetPreset_rtl.vhd
-- --
-- University of Bristol, High Energy Physics Group.
-- --
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- unit name: counterWithResetPreset (counterWithResetPreset / rtl)
--! Entity declaration for counterWithResetPreset
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
--! @brief Simple counter with synchronous reset and top-bit preload
--! @author David Cussans ,
--! @date Feb\2012
--! @version v0.1
--! @details
--! \n\n<b>Last changes:</b>\n
--! 5/Mar/12 DGC Changed to use numeric_std\n
--! 26/Feb/14 DGC Added registers to output to aid timing closure.
ENTITY counterWithResetPreset IS
GENERIC (g_COUNTER_WIDTH : integer := 32; --! Number of bits
g_OUTPUT_REGISTERS : integer := 4 --! Number of output registers. Minumum =1. Aids timing closure.
clock_i: IN STD_LOGIC; --! rising edge active clock
reset_i: IN STD_LOGIC; --! Active high. synchronous with rising clk. Takes output to 0
preset_i: IN STD_LOGIC; --! Active high. synchronous with rising clk. Takes highest bit to 1
enable_i: IN STD_LOGIC; --! counts when enable=1
result_o: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( g_COUNTER_WIDTH-1 downto 0) --! Unsigned integer output
END counterWithResetPreset;
ARCHITECTURE rtl OF counterWithResetPreset IS
type t_register_array is array(natural range <>) of UNSIGNED ( g_COUNTER_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ; -- --! Array of arrays for output register...
signal s_output_registers : t_register_array(g_OUTPUT_REGISTERS downto 0) := ( others => ( others => '0')); -- --! Output registers.
--! Process to count up from zero when enable_i is high.
p_counter: PROCESS (clock_i)
IF rising_edge(clock_i) THEN
IF (reset_i = '1') THEN
s_output_registers(0) <= (others => '0');
ELSIF (preset_i='1') THEN
s_output_registers(0)(g_COUNTER_WIDTH-1) <= '1'; -- Preload highest bit to '1'
ELSIF (enable_i='1') THEN
s_output_registers(0) <= s_output_registers(0) + 1;
END PROCESS p_counter;
--! Generate some output registers. Number controlled by g_OUTPUT_REGISTERS
generate_registers: for v_register in 1 to g_OUTPUT_REGISTERS generate
--! An individual register
p_outputRegister: process (clock_i)
begin -- process p_outputRegister
if rising_edge(clock_i) then
s_output_registers( v_register) <=
s_output_registers( v_register-1);
end if;
end process p_outputRegister;
end generate generate_registers; -- v_register
--! Copy the (registered) result to the output
result_o <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(s_output_registers(g_OUTPUT_REGISTERS));
END rtl;
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