Commit 05ddc0e4 authored by Miguel Gómez Sexto's avatar Miguel Gómez Sexto

Move lun to tdc struct, and info_get will return it from there

Signed-off-by: Miguel Gómez Sexto's avatarMiguel Gomez <>
parent 6e677109
......@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ int tdc_fmc_probe(struct fmc_device *dev)
spec = dev->carrier_data;
tdc->spec = spec;
spec->sub_priv = tdc;
tdc->lun = 2; /* FIXME: this must be calculated from module params */
tdc->fmc = dev;
tdc->base = dev->base; /* BAR 0 */
tdc->gn412x_regs = spec->remap[2]; /* BAR 4 */
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ static int tdc_zio_info_get(struct device *dev,
*usr_val = tdc_get_circular_buffer_wr_pointer(tdc);
/* FIXME: add code to return real lun */
*usr_val = tdc->lun;
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ enum tdc_zattr_dev_idx {
struct spec_tdc {
uint32_t lun;
struct fmc_device *fmc;
struct spec_dev *spec;
struct zio_device *zdev, *hwzdev;
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