Commit e3386be4 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

kernel: improve readability

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 02a2d342
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ static void ft_readout_tasklet(unsigned long arg)
struct fmc_device *fmc = ft->fmc;
struct zio_device *zdev = ft->zdev;
uint32_t rd_ptr;
int count, dacapo, i;
int count, dacapo, i, err;
pr_info("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__);
ft->prev_wr_ptr = ft->cur_wr_ptr;
......@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ static void ft_readout_tasklet(unsigned long arg)
/* The oldest is prev_wr_ptr */
rd_ptr = (ft->prev_wr_ptr >> 4) & 0x000ff;
/* Get from the hardware all available time stamps */
for (; count > 0; count--) {
struct ft_hw_timestamp hwts;
......@@ -296,7 +297,8 @@ static void ft_readout_tasklet(unsigned long arg)
struct zio_cset *cset = &zdev->cset[i - 1];
/* there is an active block, try reading an
accumulated sample */
if (ft_read_sw_fifo(ft, i, cset->chan) == 0) {
err = ft_read_sw_fifo(ft, i, cset->chan);
if (!err) {
clear_bit(FT_FLAG_CH_INPUT_READY, &st->flags);
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