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  • Benny Simonsen's avatar
    Add posiblity to set library of top_entity · 2a98971e
    Benny Simonsen authored
    When top_entity = '<entity>' the behavior is unchanged, (top_library = deflib).
    When top_entity = '<top_library>.<entity>':
    The top_library is set to <top_library> (the part in front of first dot).
    top_entity is the part after first dot.
    When top_entity = '.<entity>' (empty in front of first dot):
    The top_library is set to library from library = '<library>' in
    top_entity is the part after first dot.
    Note: top_entity = sim/syn_top or top_entity
    In other places, like makefiles TOP_MODULE is set to sim/syn_top,
    don't know if there should be fixed anything there.