Commit 1d1ab3f7 authored by William Kamp's avatar William Kamp

Upgrade Qsys file parsing to decode the actual XML, not just a simple regex.

parent 1dd1da5f
......@@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ from .dep_file import DepFile, File, DepRelation
from .new_dep_solver import DepParser
import six
import re
import io
import mmap
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from .vhdl_parser import VHDLParser
class SourceFile(DepFile):
......@@ -64,7 +65,6 @@ class VHDLFile(SourceFile):
def __init__(self, path, module, library=None):
SourceFile.__init__(self, path=path, module=module, library=library)
from hdlmake.vhdl_parser import VHDLParser
self.parser = VHDLParser(self)
......@@ -296,31 +296,51 @@ class QSYSFile(SourceFile):
"""Qsys - Altera's System Integration Tool"""
def __init__(self, path, module):
assert isinstance(path, six.string_types)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
entity = filename.rsplit(".",1)[0] # making some poor assumptions here.
library = entity # and here.
tree = ET.parse(path)
root = tree.getroot()
entity = root.attrib["name"]
library = entity
obj_name = "%s.%s" % (library, entity)
self.add_relation(DepRelation(obj_name, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.ENTITY))
self.add_relation(DepRelation(obj_name, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.ARCHITECTURE))
provides = DepRelation(obj_name, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.ENTITY)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
logging.debug("%s -> provides %s" % (filename, obj_name))
with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as qsys_file:
# Avoid loading entire file into memory - since it is a large file.
with mmap.mmap(qsys_file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as qsys_xml:
child_re = r'<hdlLibraryName>(?P<entity>[\w_\d]+)</hdlLibraryName>'
pattern = re.compile(child_re.encode("utf-8"))
for match in pattern.finditer(qsys_xml):
entity = str("entity").decode('utf-8'))
library = entity
obj_name = "%s.%s" % (library, entity)
for module in root.iterfind("module"):
for param in module.iterfind("parameter[@name='generationInfoDefinition']"):
#print(param.tag, param.attrib)
cdata_node = ET.fromstring(param.text)
dep_on_lib = cdata_node.find("hdlLibraryName").text
dep_on_entity = cdata_node.find("fileSets/fileSet/fileSetFixedName").text
top_level_kind = None
for fileSetFile in cdata_node.iterfind("fileSets/fileSet[fileSetKind='QUARTUS_SYNTH']/fileSetFiles/fileSetFile"):
if fileSetFile.find("[fileKind='VERILOG']/fileAttributes/entry[key='TOP_LEVEL_FILE'][value='true']") is not None:
top_level_kind = 'verilog'
elif fileSetFile.find("[fileKind='VHDL']/fileAttributes/entry[key='TOP_LEVEL_FILE'][value='true']") is not None:
top_level_kind = 'vhdl'
param = module.find("parameter[@name='logicalView']")
if 'value' in param.attrib:
top_level_kind = "qsys"
elif param.text is not None:
top_level_kind = "ip"
logging.warning("Cannot determine the kind of module for %s.%s in %s" % (dep_on_lib, dep_on_entity, filename))
obj_name = "%s.%s" % (dep_on_lib, dep_on_entity)
depends = DepRelation(obj_name, DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.ENTITY)
logging.debug("%s -> depends %s" % (filename, obj_name))
logging.debug("%s -> depends %s (kind: %s)" % (filename, obj_name, top_level_kind))
self.is_parsed = True
class DPFFile(File):
"""This is the class providing Altera Quartus Design Protocol File"""
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