Move vlog included dirs at Modelsim-like makefiles to a new variable

parent f0c0a0db
......@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ PWD := $(shell pwd)
self.writeln("VSIM_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vsim_flags)))
self.writeln("VLOG_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vlog_flags)))
self.writeln("VMAP_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vmap_flags)))
self.writeln("INCLUDE_DIRS := +incdir+%s" % ('+'.join(top_module.include_dirs)))
self.write("VERILOG_SRC := ")
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
self.write(vl.rel_path() + " \\\n")
......@@ -203,11 +205,9 @@ sim_post_cmd:
# self.write(incdir)
# self.writeln(vl.vlog_opt+" $<")
compile_template = string.Template("\t\tvlog -work ${library} $$(VLOG_FLAGS) ${sv_option} +incdir+${include_dirs} ${vlog_opt} $$<")
compile_template = string.Template("\t\tvlog -work ${library} $$(VLOG_FLAGS) ${sv_option} $${INCLUDE_DIRS} $$<")
compile_line = compile_template.substitute(library=vl.library,
sv_option="-sv" if isinstance(vl, SVFile) else "",
sv_option="-sv" if isinstance(vl, SVFile) else "")
self.write("\t\t@" + mkdir_r_command + " $(dir $@)")
self.writeln(" && touch $@ \n\n")
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