Clean up the new ISE makefile generator code

parent fc1bf652
......@@ -28,17 +28,12 @@ import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.parsers.expat
import logging
import re
import os
import sys
import string
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import hdlmake.new_dep_solver as dep_solver
from hdlmake.action import ActionMakefile
from hdlmake.util import path as path_mod
from hdlmake.srcfile import (UCFFile, VHDLFile, VerilogFile, TCLFile,
CDCFile, NGCFile, SourceFileSet)
from hdlmake.srcfile import (UCFFile, CDCFile, NGCFile)
XML_IMPL = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
......@@ -76,7 +71,7 @@ class ToolISE(ActionMakefile):
"*.ngc", "*.ngd", "*.ngr", "*.pad", "*.par",
"*.pcf", "*.prj", "*.ptwx", "*.stx", "*.syr",
"*.twr", "*.twx", "*.gise", "*.gise", "*.bgn",
"*.unroutes", "*.ut", "*.xpi", "*.xst","*.xise",
"*.unroutes", "*.ut", "*.xpi", "*.xst", "*.xise",
"*.xwbt", "*_envsettings.html", "*_guide.ncd",
"*", "*_map.mrp", "*_map.ncd",
"*_map.ngm", "*_map.xrpt", "*_ngdbuild.xrpt",
......@@ -102,20 +97,6 @@ class ToolISE(ActionMakefile):
def __init__(self):
super(ToolISE, self).__init__()
self.props = {}
self.files = []
self.libs = []
self.xml_doc = None
self.xml_files = []
self.xml_props = []
self.xml_libs = []
self.xml_ise = None
self.xml_project = None
self.xml_bindings = None
self.top_mod = None
self.ise = None
self.fileset = []
self.flist = []
def detect_version(self, path):
"""Method returning a string with the Xilinx ISE version from path"""
......@@ -153,7 +134,6 @@ class ToolISE(ActionMakefile):
syn_device = top_module.manifest_dict["syn_device"]
syn_grade = top_module.manifest_dict["syn_grade"]
syn_package = top_module.manifest_dict["syn_package"]
syn_top = top_module.manifest_dict["syn_top"]
syn_family = top_module.manifest_dict["syn_family"]
if syn_family is None:
syn_family = FAMILY_NAMES.get(
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