Commit 609ba1a6 authored by Paweł Szostek's avatar Paweł Szostek

Remove nasty bug in ISE project file generation

parent 808898cf
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class HdlmakeKernel(object):
if not self.modules_pool.is_everything_fetched():
p.echo("A module remains unfetched. Fetching must be done prior to makefile generation")
p.echo(str([str(m) for m in self.modules_pool.modules if not m.isfetched]))
p.echo(str([str(m) for m in self.modules_pool if not m.isfetched]))
ise = self.__check_ise_version()
if os.path.exists(self.top_module.syn_project):
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