Commit 7126c775 authored by Will's avatar Will

Add a dummy tool called "notool".

For use when you don't need one - like when just listing files in dependency order.
parent d9d42f1f
from .. common.sim_makefile_support import VsimMakefileWriter
class ToolControls(VsimMakefileWriter):
def __init__(self):
super(ToolControls, self).__init__()
def detect_version(self, path):
def get_keys(self):
tool_info = {
'name': 'No Tool',
'id': 'notool',
'windows_bin': '',
'linux_bin': ''
return tool_info
def get_standard_libraries(self):
return ["ieee", "std", "altera_mf"]
def generate_simulation_makefile(self, fileset, top_module):
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