Commit 8b74401a authored by Istvan Kiss's avatar Istvan Kiss

Generating STAPL (default format) prog file OK

parent 1d1f751e
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class ToolLiberoSoC11(MakefileSyn):
'bitstream': ' Device not supported, so no bitstream for now!',
'prom': '',
'install_source': '$(PROJECT)/designer/impl1/$(SYN_TOP).pdb'}
# Override the build command, because no space is expected between TCL_INTERPRETER and the tcl file
......@@ -130,16 +131,14 @@ class ToolLiberoSoC11(MakefileSyn):
+ "run_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGDATA}\n" \
+ "file mkdir ./$(PROJECT)/bitstream\n" \
+ "export_bitstream_file "\
+ "-file_name {$(PROJECT)} "\
+ "-export_dir {$(PROJECT)/bitstream} "\
+ "-format {STP} -trusted_facility_file 1 "\
+ "-trusted_facility_file_components {FABRIC} "\
+ "-serialization_stapl_type {SINGLE} "\
+ "-serialization_target_solution {FLASHPRO_3_4_5}\n"\
+ "$(TCL_SAVE)\n"\
+ "$(TCL_CLOSE)"
+ "run_tool -name {EXPORTPROGRAMMINGFILE}\n" \
+ "$(TCL_SAVE)\n"\
+ "$(TCL_CLOSE)"
def __init__(self):
super(ToolLiberoSoC11, self).__init__()
......@@ -166,6 +165,7 @@ class ToolLiberoSoC11(MakefileSyn):['name'] + " set GENERATEPROGRAMMINGDATA for IGLOO2.")
elif syn_family == "ProASIC3E" or syn_family == 'ProASIC3L':
self._tcl_controls['bitstream'] = self._BITSTREAM_PROASIC3
self._tcl_controls['prom'] = self._PROM_PROASIC3['name'] + " set GENERATEPROGRAMMINGDATA for ProASIC3.")
else:['name'] + ":ERROR: UNSUPPORTED device! TODO: Only ProASIC3, PolarFireSoC and IGLOO2 are supported. Somebody needs to add device support for this family. Can you do it?")
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