Use a Windows friendly wilcard style for the ISE xdb folder clean target

parent eb433ae0
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class ToolISE(ToolSyn):
VerilogFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)',
SVFile: 'xfile add $(sourcefile)'}
CLEAN_TARGETS = {'clean': ["xst xlnx_auto_*_xdb", "iseconfig _xmsgs",
CLEAN_TARGETS = {'clean': ["xst *_xdb", "iseconfig _xmsgs",
"_ngo", "*.b", "*_summary.html", "*.tcl",
"*.bld", "*.cmd_log", "*.drc", "*.lso", "*.ncd",
"*.ngc", "*.ngd", "*.ngr", "*.pad", "*.par",
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