Commit cd9477b6 authored by Paweł Szostek's avatar Paweł Szostek

Rename to manifest_parser

parent 272dd2a6
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ use 0 for current version""", metavar="ISE")
if options.manifest_help == True:
from helper_classes import ManifestParser
from manifest_parser import ManifestParser
ManifestParser().help() and quit()
if options.print_version == True:
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import path as path_mod
import msg as p
import os
import global_mod
from helper_classes import Manifest, ManifestParser
from manifest_parser import Manifest, ManifestParser
from srcfile import SourceFileSet, SourceFileFactory
class Module(object):
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