Fix synthesis variables table in the documentation

parent 7a70c6ce
......@@ -1395,43 +1395,43 @@ Synthesis variables
Basic synthesis variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_top | str | Top level module for synthesis | None |
| syn_tool | str | Tool to be used in the synthesis | None |
| syn_device | str | Target FPGA device | None |
| syn_family | str | Target FPGA family | None |
| syn_grade | str | Speed grade of target FPGA | None |
| syn_package | str | Package variant of target FPGA | None |
| syn_project | str | Project file name | None |
| syn_pre_synthesize_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis: synthesize | '' |
| syn_post_synthesize_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis: synthesize | '' |
| syn_pre_translate_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis: translate | '' |
| syn_post_translate_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis: translate | '' |
| syn_pre_map_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis: map | '' |
| syn_post_map_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis: map | '' |
| syn_pre_par_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis: par | '' |
| syn_post_par_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis: par | '' |
| syn_pre_bitstream_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis: bitstream | '' |
| syn_post_bitstream_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis: bitstream | '' |
Altera Quartus II / Prime specific variables:
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