Commit 11484285 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

wrtd:out:rt: declare variable at the beginning

there are weird conflict with the libc otherwise. I do not know why,
but this 'fix' the issue
Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>

This commit has been created by `git subtree` on the Mock Turtle repository
on tag mock-turtle-2.0

This commit will not compile
parent a188cd9a
......@@ -537,22 +537,27 @@ static inline uint32_t fd_ch_readl (struct lrt_output *out, uint32_t reg)
static int check_output_timeout (struct lrt_output *out)
struct lrt_pulse_queue *q = &out->queue;
struct pulse_queue_entry *pq_ent = pulse_queue_front(q);
struct wr_timestamp tc;
int delta;
/* Read the current WR time, order is important: first seconds, then cycles (cycles
get latched on reading secs register. */
tc.seconds = lr_readl(WRN_CPU_LR_REG_TAI_SEC);
tc.ticks = lr_readl(WRN_CPU_LR_REG_TAI_CYCLES);
if( out->last_programmed.seconds > tc.seconds + OUT_TIMEOUT )
struct lrt_pulse_queue *q = &out->queue;
struct pulse_queue_entry *pq_ent = pulse_queue_front(q);
pp_printf("Enqueued timestamp very far in the future [id %x:%x:%x]. Dropping.", pq_ent->, pq_ent->, pq_ent->;
pp_printf("Offending TS: %d:%d", out->last_programmed.seconds, out->last_programmed.ticks);
if (out->last_programmed.seconds > tc.seconds + OUT_TIMEOUT) {
pp_printf("Enqueued timestamp very far in the future [id %x:%x:%x]. Dropping.",
pp_printf("Offending TS: %d:%d",
int delta = tc.seconds - out->last_programmed.seconds;
delta = tc.seconds - out->last_programmed.seconds;
delta *= 125 * 1000 * 1000;
delta += tc.ticks - out->last_programmed.ticks;
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