Commit 269d2738 authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

rx: is being reset during transmission

also small correction on the rx_regs
parent 92060d6f
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_masterFIP_core is
signal tx_frame : tx_frame_t;
signal tx_ctrl_byte : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
-- rx
signal rx_pream_ok, rx_frame_ok_p : std_logic;
signal rx_pream_ok, rx_frame_ok_p, fd_txena : std_logic;
signal rx_frame : rx_frame_t;
signal rx_ctrl_byte : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
......@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ begin
mf_rst_lock_o => core_sw_rstn_lock,
mf_rst_lock_wr_o => core_sw_rst_p,
-- config
mf_config_host_bitrate_o => open,
mf_config_host_bitrate_o => open,--host_bitrate_conf,
mf_config_host_ext_sync_term_en_n_o => open,
mf_config_host_subs_o => open,
mf_config_fmc_bitrate_i => "01",
mf_config_fmc_bitrate_ok_i => '1',
mf_config_fmc_bitrate_i => "01",--fmc_bitrate_conf,
mf_config_fmc_bitrate_ok_i => '1', --bitrate_ok,
-- counters outputs
mf_macrocyc_lgth_o => macrocyc_lgth,
mf_macrocyc_start_o => macrocyc_sw_load,
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ begin
core_rst_i => core_rst,
rate_i => "01",
fd_rxd_a_i => fd_rxd_i,
rx_rst_i => rx_rst,
rx_rst_i => rx_rst or fd_txena,
rx_byte_index_o => rx_byte_index, -- should have the amount of bytes
rx_ctrl_byte_o => rx_ctrl_byte,
......@@ -450,10 +450,10 @@ begin
tx_byte_index_o => tx_byte_index,
tx_completed_p_o => tx_completed_p,
tx_data_o => fd_txd_o,
tx_enable_o => fd_txena_o,
tx_enable_o => fd_txena,
tx_clk_o => fd_txck_o);
fd_txena_o <= fd_txena;
-- irqs --
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ architecture struc of masterfip_rx is
signal byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal word32 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal word32_num : integer range 0 to 31;
signal rx_byte_index : unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal rx_byte_index, rx_byte_index_d1 : unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal bytes_c_rst : std_logic;
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ begin
counter_o => rx_byte_index);
bytes_c_rst <= '1' when (core_rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1') else '0';
bytes_c_rst <= '1' when (core_rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1') else '0';
rx_byte_index_o <= std_logic_vector(rx_byte_index);
......@@ -276,16 +276,31 @@ begin
-- Synchronous process Data_Transfer_To_Regs: transfer 32bit words to the cons_frame registers
delay: process (uclk_i)
if rising_edge (uclk_i) then
if core_rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1' then
rx_byte_index_d1 <= (others =>'0'); -- needed for synching
if rx_byte_ready_p = '1' then
rx_byte_index_d1 <= rx_byte_index;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
data_transfer_to_regs: process (uclk_i)
if rising_edge (uclk_i) then
if core_rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1' then
word32_num <= 0;
rx_frame_o <= (others =>(others =>'0'));
word32_num <= 0;
rx_frame_o <= (others =>(others =>'0'));
if rx_byte_ready_p = '1' and (rx_byte_index) > 0 and (rx_byte_index) mod 4 = 0 then
word32_num <= word32_num + 1;
rx_frame_o(word32_num) <= word32;
if rx_byte_ready_p = '1' and (rx_byte_index_d1) > 0 and (rx_byte_index_d1) mod 4 = 0 then
word32_num <= word32_num + 1;
rx_frame_o(word32_num) <= word32;
end if;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -55,36 +55,40 @@ wr 0000000000050010 F 80007D00
wait %d20
--------------- ID_DAT ---------------
-- control byte of id_dat
wr 00000000000500C0 F 00000003
wr 000000000005002C F 00000001
wait %d10
wr 000000000005002C F 00000000
wait %d20
-- data bytes varid = 0503 for agent to consume
wr 00000000000500C4 F 00000305
-- control byte of id_dat
wr 00000000000500C4 F 00000003
wait %d20
-- rx_rst
wr 0000000000050038 F 00000001
-- data bytes varid = 0503 for agent to consume
wr 00000000000500C8 F 00000305
wait %d20
-- tx_start
wr 000000000005002C F 00000202
wait %d20000
-- deactivate tx_start and reset tx
--------------- RP_DAT ---------------
wr 000000000005002C F 00000001
wait %d10
wr 000000000005002C F 00000000
wait %d20
--------------- RP_DAT ---------------
-- control byte of rp_dat
wr 00000000000500c4 F 00000002
wait %d20
-- data bytes
wr 00000000000500c8 F 02010F40
wr 00000000000500c8 F BBAA0340
wait %d20
wr 00000000000500cc F 06050403
wr 00000000000500cc F EEDDCC05
wait %d20
wr 00000000000500d0 F 0A090807
wait %d20
......@@ -94,14 +98,17 @@ wr 00000000000500D8 F 06060605
wait %d20
-- tx_start
wr 000000000005002C F 00001102
wr 000000000005002C F 00000502
wait %d40000
-- deactivate tx_start and reset tx
--------------- ID_DAT ---------------
wr 000000000005002C F 00000001
wait %d10
wr 000000000005002C F 00000000
wait %d20
--------------- ID_DAT ---------------
-- control byte of id_dat
wr 00000000000500c4 F 00000003
wait %d20
......@@ -872,6 +872,9 @@
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation" xil_pn:seqID="78"/>
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="57"/>
<file xil_pn:name="../../top/spec/spec_masterFIP.ucf" xil_pn:type="FILE_UCF">
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="0"/>
......@@ -1200,7 +1203,9 @@
<property xil_pn:name="PROP_intWorkingDirUsed" xil_pn:value="No" xil_pn:valueState="non-default"/>
<binding xil_pn:location="/spec_masterFIP" xil_pn:name="../../top/spec/spec_masterFIP.ucf"/>
......@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ NET "fd_wdgn_i" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
NET "fd_txena_o" LOC = "Y10";
NET "fd_txena_o" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
NET "mezz_onewire_b" LOC = "A19";
NET "mezz_onewire_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
#NET "mezz_onewire_b" LOC = "A19";
#NET "mezz_onewire_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
# <ucfgen_end>
NET "mezz_sys_scl_b" LOC = "F7";
NET "mezz_sys_scl_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
NET "mezz_sys_sda_b" LOC = "F8";
NET "mezz_sys_sda_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
#NET "mezz_sys_scl_b" LOC = "F7";
#NET "mezz_sys_scl_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
#NET "mezz_sys_sda_b" LOC = "F8";
#NET "mezz_sys_sda_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS25";
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