Commit 6a3520b7 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

doc: added my input for the gw review in text (.org) and html format

parent 543aae9b
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<title>Comments for masterFIP GW review <span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">&lt;2017-03-16 Thu&gt;</span></span></title>
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<div id="content">
<h1 class="title">Comments for masterFIP GW review <span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span class="timestamp">&lt;2017-03-16 Thu&gt;</span></span></h1>
<div id="outline-container-sec-1" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-1"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> Project/Synthesis/PAR</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>[+] 3943 warnings during synthesis
<li>[+] ucf: "TS_U_Node_Template_U_GN4124_Core_cmp_clk_in_feedback" points to non-existing
node 'U_Node_Template/U_GN4124_Core/cmp_clk_in/feedback'.
<li><code>[-]</code> 120+ warnings about missing/duplicates files when we first open the .xise project file, and
the messages keep reappearing while we use the tool
<li><code>[-]</code> Project hierarchy shows too many unused files (not under spec_masterfip_mt entity)
<li><code>[-]</code> running hdlmake in syn/spec does not work
<li><code>[-]</code> many (~50) synthesis-generated files not git-ignored
<li><code>[-]</code> if not a build script for wbgen, at least a README with how you expect the wbgen2 command to
be invoked should be provided
<div id="outline-container-sec-2" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-2"><span class="section-number-2">2</span> Simulation</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-2">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>[!] Error: (vcom-19) Failed to access library 'nanofip_lib' at "nanofip_lib" (Modelsim SE-64
10.2a, Linux) This is due to case-sensitivity in Linux. Solution: replace "vlib nanoFIP_lib"
with "vlib nanofip_lib" or, alternatively, replace "vcom -work nanofip_lib" with "vcom -work
<li>[!] Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file "../../sim/spec/testbench/nanofip_lib/*" in
read mode. Again, this is due to case-sensitivity in Linux, since the folder commited in git is
actually sim/spec/testbench/nanoFIP_lib
<li>[+] Trying to step into the code with Modelsim produces: Error opening
/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/vhdl/src/unisims/primitive/PLL_ADV.vhd. This path does not exist in
my system.
<li>[+] Fix warnings "numeric_std.to_integer metavalue detected, returning 0" (alternatively, use
"set NumericStdNoWarnings 1" after the call to vsim in your do files, suboptimal solution because
it might also hide useful metavalue warnings)
<li><code>[-]</code> After clearing the metavalue warnings, have a look also at the remaining warnings
<li><code>[-]</code> Some signals are always 'X', if they are not useful in simulation, just remove them
<li><code>[-]</code> group signal waveforms
<li><code>[-]</code> split compilation (vcom) from running in separate "do" files, invoke them both from a top do
file (eg. + =&gt;
<li><code>[-]</code> many (~100) simulation-generated files not git-ignored
<li>[?] Do you need the "vlog $env(XILINX)/verilog/src/glbl.v"? If not, remove it, otherwise users
might get the error "can't read "env(XILINX)": no such variable" if they haven't set this
environment variable.
<div id="outline-container-sec-3" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-3"><span class="section-number-2">3</span> Design</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-3">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>[?] rtl: is leds_manager.vhd used at all? what about carrier_info.vhd, free_counter.vhd, and
perhaps others? If not, it's better to delete them from the repository.
<li>[?] rtl: why is wf_package.vhd declared here AND in ip-cores/nanofip?
<li>[?] top: is synthesis_descriptor.vhd used?
<li>[*] the whole nanofip as ip-core of masterfip seems a bit counter-intuitive. If there are things
used by both, the should belong to a "fip" project, and both nano- and master- should use them.
<div id="outline-container-sec-3-1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-3-1"><span class="section-number-3">3.1</span> masterFIP_pkg</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-3-1">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li><code>[-]</code> constants should have lower case "c" (I think)
<div id="outline-container-sec-3-2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="sec-3-2"><span class="section-number-3">3.2</span> spec_masterfip_mt</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-3-2">
</div><div id="outline-container-sec-3-2-1" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="sec-3-2-1"><span class="section-number-4">3.2.1</span> fmc_masterFIP_core</h4>
<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-3-2-1">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li><code>[-]</code> it would be nice to have a bit more hierachy in this module, with less low-level processes
and modules lying around (eg. counter modules, assignments to wb registers) , to highlight the
high-level structure of the core.
<li>[?] why do you use two decreasing counter modules (wf_decr_counter and decr_counter)?
<li>[?] why is speed_X_i not a 2-bit vector?
<li>[?] would it be interesting for diagnostics to monitor if/when counters overflow?
<li>[?] why is reg_to_mt.fd_wdg_tstamp_i one bit larger than macrocyc_cnt?
<li>[*] cmp_ext_sync_deglitch_p_detect and cmp_fd_wdgn_deglitch_p_detect introduce one unnecessary
FF/latency cycle
<li>[*] we should introduce generic up/down counters to general-cores
<ol class="org-ol"><li><a id="sec-3-2-1-1" name="sec-3-2-1-1"></a>masterfip_tx<br /><div class="outline-text-5" id="text-3-2-1-1">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li><code>[-]</code> synch_signals process could be replaced by 2x gc_sync_ffs
<li>[?] more importantly, why do you resync these two signals?
<li><a id="sec-3-2-1-2" name="sec-3-2-1-2"></a>masterfip_rx<br /><div class="outline-text-5" id="text-3-2-1-2">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>[?] can't you use general-cores for cmp_rx_deglitcher? (perhaps think about it also in nanofip
<li>[?] did you make up your mind about what to connect to nfip_rst_i port of cmp_rx_deglitcher? if
yes, remove the inline comment
<div id="outline-container-sec-4" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="sec-4"><span class="section-number-2">4</span> Legend</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-4">
<ul class="org-ul">
<li>[!] = fatal
<li>[+] = important
<li><code>[-]</code> = minor
<li>[?] = question
<li>[*] = note
<div id="postamble" class="status">
<p class="author">Author: Dimitrios Lampridis</p>
<p class="date">Created: 2017-03-16 Thu 12:14</p>
<p class="creator"><a href="">Emacs</a> 24.5.1 (<a href="">Org</a> mode 8.2.10)</p>
<p class="validation"><a href="">Validate</a></p>
# emacs org-mode options and definitions, just ignore
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: ^:nil
#+TITLE: Comments for masterFIP GW review <2017-03-16 Thu>
* Project/Synthesis/PAR
- [+] 3943 warnings during synthesis
- [+] ucf: "TS_U_Node_Template_U_GN4124_Core_cmp_clk_in_feedback" points to non-existing
node 'U_Node_Template/U_GN4124_Core/cmp_clk_in/feedback'.
- [-] 120+ warnings about missing/duplicates files when we first open the .xise project file, and
the messages keep reappearing while we use the tool
- [-] Project hierarchy shows too many unused files (not under spec_masterfip_mt entity)
- [-] running hdlmake in syn/spec does not work
- [-] many (~50) synthesis-generated files not git-ignored
- [-] if not a build script for wbgen, at least a README with how you expect the wbgen2 command to
be invoked should be provided
* Simulation
- [!] Error: (vcom-19) Failed to access library 'nanofip_lib' at "nanofip_lib" (Modelsim SE-64
10.2a, Linux) This is due to case-sensitivity in Linux. Solution: replace "vlib nanoFIP_lib"
with "vlib nanofip_lib" or, alternatively, replace "vcom -work nanofip_lib" with "vcom -work
- [!] Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file "../../sim/spec/testbench/nanofip_lib/*" in
read mode. Again, this is due to case-sensitivity in Linux, since the folder commited in git is
actually sim/spec/testbench/nanoFIP_lib
- [+] Trying to step into the code with Modelsim produces: Error opening
/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/vhdl/src/unisims/primitive/PLL_ADV.vhd. This path does not exist in
my system.
- [+] Fix warnings "numeric_std.to_integer metavalue detected, returning 0" (alternatively, use
"set NumericStdNoWarnings 1" after the call to vsim in your do files, suboptimal solution because
it might also hide useful metavalue warnings)
- [-] After clearing the metavalue warnings, have a look also at the remaining warnings
- [-] Some signals are always 'X', if they are not useful in simulation, just remove them
- [-] group signal waveforms
- [-] split compilation (vcom) from running in separate "do" files, invoke them both from a top do
file (eg. + =>
- [-] many (~100) simulation-generated files not git-ignored
- [?] Do you need the "vlog $env(XILINX)/verilog/src/glbl.v"? If not, remove it, otherwise users
might get the error "can't read "env(XILINX)": no such variable" if they haven't set this
environment variable.
* Design
- [?] rtl: is leds_manager.vhd used at all? what about carrier_info.vhd, free_counter.vhd, and
perhaps others? If not, it's better to delete them from the repository.
- [?] rtl: why is wf_package.vhd declared here AND in ip-cores/nanofip?
- [?] top: is synthesis_descriptor.vhd used?
- [*] the whole nanofip as ip-core of masterfip seems a bit counter-intuitive. If there are things
used by both, the should belong to a "fip" project, and both nano- and master- should use them.
** masterFIP_pkg
- [-] constants should have lower case "c" (I think)
** spec_masterfip_mt
*** fmc_masterFIP_core
- [-] it would be nice to have a bit more hierachy in this module, with less low-level processes
and modules lying around (eg. counter modules, assignments to wb registers) , to highlight the
high-level structure of the core.
- [?] why do you use two decreasing counter modules (wf_decr_counter and decr_counter)?
- [?] why is speed_X_i not a 2-bit vector?
- [?] would it be interesting for diagnostics to monitor if/when counters overflow?
- [?] why is reg_to_mt.fd_wdg_tstamp_i one bit larger than macrocyc_cnt?
- [*] cmp_ext_sync_deglitch_p_detect and cmp_fd_wdgn_deglitch_p_detect introduce one unnecessary
FF/latency cycle
- [*] we should introduce generic up/down counters to general-cores
**** masterfip_tx
- [-] synch_signals process could be replaced by 2x gc_sync_ffs
- [?] more importantly, why do you resync these two signals?
**** masterfip_rx
- [?] can't you use general-cores for cmp_rx_deglitcher? (perhaps think about it also in nanofip
- [?] did you make up your mind about what to connect to nfip_rst_i port of cmp_rx_deglitcher? if
yes, remove the inline comment
* Legend
- [!] = fatal
- [+] = important
- [-] = minor
- [?] = question
- [*] = note
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