Commit 22416087 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: add GDB server information

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent d3151bf7
...@@ -265,4 +265,10 @@ This is typically used by driver developers for debugging purposes. ...@@ -265,4 +265,10 @@ This is typically used by driver developers for debugging purposes.
.. warning:: Its content it is not stable and it may change at anytime. .. warning:: Its content it is not stable and it may change at anytime.
Do not consider this as a stable interface. Do not consider this as a stable interface.
Then, there is a debugfs file for each Mock Turtle instance that can be
used to access the CPU debug registers. These files are named using the
following format "trtl-%0x4x-dbg". These files can be accessed only with
``mmap(2)`` and typically the user does not need to use it directly, instead
the user should use the :ref:`Mock Turtle GDB Server <tools:mockturtle-gdbserver>`.
.. [1] .. [1]
...@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ message. All tools are available in the directory *software/tools*. ...@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ message. All tools are available in the directory *software/tools*.
mockturtle-variable mockturtle-variable
mockturtle-buffer mockturtle-buffer
mockturtle-debug mockturtle-debug
.. _tools:mockturtle-gdbserver:
Mock Turtle GDB Server
The Mock Turtle GDB Server application (*mockturtle-gdbserver*) provides
access to the Mock Turtle CPU debug interface. The user can start the server
against a Mock Turtle instance and start debugging remotly using ``gdb(1)``.
This debug interface is accessible only if the Linux debugfs file-system is
mounted at ``/sys/kernel/debug``; be sure to run the following command before
starting the *mockturtle-gdbserver*:::
mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
Please refer to the application help message for more information.
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