Commit 43d0a913 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc:tools: add few line about how to see available Mock Turtle devices

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 527f619f
......@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ Mock Turtle Buffer
The Mock Turtle buffer application (*mockturtle-buffer*) allows the
user to read/write the buffers that a firmware exports. The tool only
works with firmware developed using :ref:`sw:fw:frm`.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
......@@ -7,3 +7,6 @@ Mock Turtle CPU Restart
The Mock Turtle CPU Restart application (*mockturtle-cpu-restart*) is
used to restart a soft-CPU. This will stop the firmware execution and
start it again from the ``main()`` function.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
.. _`tools:mockturtle-firmware-loader`:
Mock Turtle Firmware Loader
The Mock Turtle Loader application (*mockturtle-firmware-loader*) allows
the user to load a firmware in a soft-CPU. It gives also the possibility
to dump the RAM content from a soft-CPU.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
......@@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ starting the *mockturtle-gdbserver*:::
mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
Please refer to the application help message for more information.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
.. _`tools:mockturtle-messages`:
Mock Turtle Messages
The Mock Turtle Messages application (*mockturtle-messages*) can be used
to sniff the traffic over a HMQ or to access the serial console of a
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
.. _tools:mockturtle-ping:
Mock Turtle Ping
The purpose of the Mock Turtle Ping application (*mockturtle-ping*) is
to be able to verify that a firmware is running. In addition, the
mockturtle-ping application provides information about the firmware
version running on a Mock Turtle soft-CPU. The tool only works with
firmware developed using :ref:`sw:fw:frm`.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
.. _tools:mockturtle-smem:
Mock Turtle Shared Memory
The Mock Turtle Shared Memory application (*mockturtle-smem*) provides
access to the Mock Turtle shared memory. The user can read/write any location of
the shared memory using different access modes.
access to the Mock Turtle shared memory. The user can read/write any location
of the shared memory using different access modes.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
.. _`tools:mockturtle-variable`:
Mock Turtle Variable
The Mock Turtle variable application (*mockturtle-variable*) allows the
user to read/write the variables that a firmware exports. The tool only
works with firmware developed using :ref:`sw:fw:frm`.
You can get the list of available Mock Turtle devices that you can access
with the command ``lsmockturtle``.
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