Commit 09620eef authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Refactor TabularFormBuilder field helpers (#2461).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent bc270b31
......@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@ class TabularFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
(field_helpers - %w(radio_button hidden_field) + %w(date_select)).each do |selector|
src = <<-END_SRC
def #{selector}(field, options = {})
return super if options.delete :no_label
label_text = l(options[:label]) if options[:label]
label_text ||= l(("field_"+field.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "")).to_sym)
label_text << @template.content_tag("span", " *", :class => "required") if options.delete(:required)
label = @template.content_tag("label", label_text,
:class => (@object && @object.errors[field] ? "error" : nil),
:for => (@object_name.to_s + "_" + field.to_s))
label + super
label_for_field(field, options) + super
class_eval src, __FILE__, __LINE__
def select(field, choices, options = {}, html_options = {})
label_text = l(("field_"+field.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "")).to_sym) + (options.delete(:required) ? @template.content_tag("span", " *", :class => "required"): "")
label = @template.content_tag("label", label_text,
:class => (@object && @object.errors[field] ? "error" : nil),
:for => (@object_name.to_s + "_" + field.to_s))
label + super
label_for_field(field, options) + super
# Returns a label tag for the given field
def label_for_field(field, options = {})
return '' if options.delete(:no_label)
text = l(options[:label]) if options[:label]
text ||= l(("field_" + field.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "")).to_sym)
text << @template.content_tag("span", " *", :class => "required") if options.delete(:required)
@template.content_tag("label", text,
:class => (@object && @object.errors[field] ? "error" : nil),
:for => (@object_name.to_s + "_" + field.to_s))
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