Commit 3539bef9 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Updated Chinese translation (Shortie Lo).

git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent e29539df
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ actionview_datehelper_select_month_names: 一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六
actionview_datehelper_select_month_names_abbr: 一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day: 1
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day_plural: %d
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day: 1
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day_plural: %d
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about: 約 1 小時
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_plural: 約 %d 小時
actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_hour_about_single: 約 1 小時
......@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ general_text_No: 'No'
general_text_Yes: 'Yes'
general_text_no: 'no'
general_text_yes: 'yes'
general_lang_name: 'Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)'
general_lang_name: 'Chinese (繁體中文)'
general_csv_separator: ','
general_csv_encoding: ISO-8859-1
general_pdf_encoding: big5
general_csv_encoding: Big5
general_pdf_encoding: Big5
general_day_names: 星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日
general_first_day_of_week: '7'
......@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ notice_account_unknown_email: Unknown user.
notice_can_t_change_password: This account uses an external authentication source. Impossible to change the password.
notice_account_lost_email_sent: An email with instructions to choose a new password has been sent to you.
notice_account_activated: Your account has been activated. You can now log in.
notice_successful_create: Successful creation.
notice_successful_update: Successful update.
notice_successful_delete: Successful deletion.
notice_successful_create: 建立成功
notice_successful_update: 更新成功
notice_successful_delete: 刪除成功
notice_successful_connection: Successful connection.
notice_file_not_found: The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.
notice_locking_conflict: Data have been updated by another user.
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ field_subject: 主旨
field_due_date: 完成日期
field_assigned_to: 分派給
field_priority: 重要性
field_fixed_version: Fixed version
field_fixed_version: 版本
field_user: 用戶
field_role: 角色
field_homepage: 網站首頁
......@@ -151,21 +151,21 @@ field_attr_lastname: Lastname attribute
field_attr_mail: Email attribute
field_onthefly: On-the-fly user creation
field_start_date: 開始日期
field_done_ratio: %% 已完成
field_done_ratio: 完成百分比
field_auth_source: 認證模式
field_hide_mail: 隱藏我的電子郵件
field_comments: 註解
field_url: URL
field_start_page: Start page
field_start_page: 首頁
field_subproject: 子專案
field_hours: 小時
field_activity: Activity
field_activity: 活動
field_spent_on: 日期
field_identifier: 代碼
field_is_filter: Used as a filter
field_issue_to_id: Related issue
field_delay: 逾期
field_assignable: Issues can be assigned to this role
field_assignable: 項目可被分派至此角色
field_redirect_existing_links: Redirect existing links
field_estimated_hours: 預估工時
field_column_names: Columns
......@@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ label_open_issues: 進行中
label_open_issues_plural: 進行中
label_closed_issues: 已結束
label_closed_issues_plural: 已結束
label_total: Total
label_total: 總計
label_permissions: 權限
label_current_status: Current status
label_current_status: 目前狀態
label_new_statuses_allowed: New statuses allowed
label_all: 全部
label_none: 空值
......@@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ label_nobody: nobody
label_next: Next
label_previous: Previous
label_used_by: Used by
label_details: Details
label_details: 明細
label_add_note: 加入一個新筆記
label_per_page: 每頁
label_calendar: 日曆
label_months_from: months from
label_months_from: 個月, 開始月份
label_gantt: 甘特圖
label_internal: Internal
label_last_changes: 最近 %d 個變更
......@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ label_latest_revision: 最新版次
label_latest_revision_plural: 最近版次清單
label_view_revisions: 檢視版次清單
label_max_size: 最大長度
label_on: 'on'
label_on: 總共
label_sort_highest: 移動至開頭
label_sort_higher: 往上移動
label_sort_lower: 往下移動
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ label_sort_lowest: 移動至結尾
label_roadmap: 版本藍圖
label_roadmap_due_in: 倒數天數:
label_roadmap_overdue: %s 逾期
label_roadmap_no_issues: No issues for this version
label_roadmap_no_issues: 此版本尚未包含任何項目
label_search: 搜尋
label_result_plural: 結果
label_all_words: All words
......@@ -382,13 +382,13 @@ label_index_by_date: 依日期索引
label_current_version: 現行版本
label_preview: 預覽
label_feed_plural: Feeds
label_changes_details: Details of all changes
label_changes_details: 所有變更的明細
label_issue_tracking: 項目追蹤
label_spent_time: 耗用時間
label_f_hour: %.2f hour
label_f_hour_plural: %.2f hours
label_f_hour: %.2f 小時
label_f_hour_plural: %.2f 小時
label_time_tracking: Time tracking
label_change_plural: Changes
label_change_plural: 變更
label_statistics: Statistics
label_commits_per_month: Commits per month
label_commits_per_author: Commits per author
......@@ -405,11 +405,11 @@ label_loading: 載入中...
label_relation_new: 建立新關聯
label_relation_delete: 刪除關聯
label_relates_to: 關聯至
label_duplicates: duplicates
label_blocks: blocks
label_blocked_by: blocked by
label_precedes: precedes
label_follows: follows
label_duplicates: 已重複
label_blocks: 阻擋
label_blocked_by: 被阻擋
label_precedes: 優先於
label_follows: 跟隨於
label_end_to_start: end to start
label_end_to_end: end to end
label_start_to_start: start to start
......@@ -501,9 +501,9 @@ text_regexp_info: eg. ^[A-Z0-9]+$
text_min_max_length_info: 0 means no restriction
text_project_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this project and all related data ?
text_workflow_edit: Select a role and a tracker to edit the workflow
text_are_you_sure: Are you sure ?
text_journal_changed: changed from %s to %s
text_journal_set_to: set to %s
text_are_you_sure: 確定執行?
text_journal_changed: 從 %s 變更為 %s
text_journal_set_to: 設定為 %s
text_journal_deleted: deleted
text_tip_task_begin_day: task beginning this day
text_tip_task_end_day: task ending this day
......@@ -541,8 +541,8 @@ default_doc_category_tech: 技術文件
default_priority_normal: 正常
default_activity_design: 設計
default_activity_development: 開發
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