Commit 4499c7a0 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Grey scale icon for issue not watched.

git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 2f1d8630
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ end %>
<% if @issue.watched_by?(@logged_in_user) %>
<%= link_to l(:button_unwatch), {:controller => 'watchers', :action => 'remove', :issue_id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-fav' %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to l(:button_watch), {:controller => 'watchers', :action => 'add', :issue_id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-fav' %>
<%= link_to l(:button_watch), {:controller => 'watchers', :action => 'add', :issue_id => @issue}, :class => 'icon icon-fav-off' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_move), {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'move_issues', :id => @project, "issue_ids[]" => }, :class => 'icon icon-move' %>
......@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ vertical-align: middle;
.icon-stats { background-image: url(../images/stats.png); }
.icon-warning { background-image: url(../images/warning.png); }
.icon-fav { background-image: url(../images/fav.png); }
.icon-fav-off { background-image: url(../images/fav_off.png); }
.icon22-projects { background-image: url(../images/22x22/projects.png); }
.icon22-users { background-image: url(../images/22x22/users.png); }
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