Commit 8315cd73 authored by Holger Just's avatar Holger Just

Prevent database migration from consuming all the RAM on the server

Prevent large production databases from consuming all the RAM on the server
and causing the migration to take forever. With this patch, objects are read
in batches from the database. This removes the need to hold ruby
objects for all rows for a type in memory at once.
parents 981e74f8 b44dd085
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class BuildInitialJournalsForActsAsJournalized < ActiveRecord::Migration
activity_type = p.activity_provider_options.keys.first
# Create initial journals
p.find(:all).each do |o|
p.find_each(:batch_size => 100 ) do |o|
# Using rescue and save! here because either the Journal or the
# touched record could fail. This will catch either error and continue
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