Commit bdf2a775 authored by Francisco Juan's avatar Francisco Juan

Ignore white space and newline types on subversion diffs

parent 0ef69b79
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ module Redmine
identifier_from = (identifier_from and identifier_from.to_i > 0) ? identifier_from.to_i : ''
identifier_to = (identifier_to and identifier_to.to_i > 0) ? identifier_to.to_i : (identifier_from.to_i - 1)
cmd = "#{SVN_BIN} diff -r "
cmd = "#{SVN_BIN} diff -x '--ignore-all-space --ignore-eol-style' -r "
cmd << "#{identifier_to}:"
cmd << "#{identifier_from}"
cmd << " #{target(path)}@#{identifier_from}"
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