• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    config: allow passing "-f <file>" on the command line · 4184f7ea
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This commit factorizes some code in lib/conf.c from the two hosted
    startup files, but the aim is passing "-f <filename>" on the command
    line, to test with unconventional setups without touching the "real"
    Now ppsi looks for the configuration file is from threee places, in
    this order:
        - command line, if any
        - architecture-specific, if any (e.g. "/wr/etc/ppsi.conf")
        - compile-time default ("/etc/ppsi.conf")
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
unix-startup.c 2.26 KB