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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    white rabbit: use wr_operations, not aliases · 48b25f3c
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This is a massive change, but one that we needed since time 0.
    Aliases were a bad choice, while use of an operation structure shows
    better the symmetry between the two white rabbit implementations.
    But, mainly, maintainance is easier.
    I really needed this because I need to change one prototype, to
    add support for wrpc acting as grandmaster.
    There are still some asymmetries to be fixed, but the thing is
    acceptable at this point. While I was at it, I removed some
    WR_DSPORT(ppi) using a local pointer "wrp".
    The code after this commit is shorter by a dozen bytes or so,
    both on wrpc and wrs.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>