• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    wrs: drive the PLL frequency when non-WR · 722e00ad
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This adds the "adjust_frequecy" method to time-wrs. The WR servo is
    not using this method, which is only called by the normal PTP servo.
    With this new method, a non-WR slave is able to trim frequency,
    whereas before this commit we were only able to jump our time.  The
    code move straight the FPGA register, by having some hardware-specific
    constants explicit in the code. Thus, it is not very beautiful, but
    it works fine on my systems.
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
wrs-time.c 7.39 KB