Commit 1f3ec181 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini Committed by Aurelio Colosimo

constants.h: allow archs to override constants

Then, both spec and bare-linux pre-set ETHERNET_MODE
parent 0059efa4
#ifndef __PPTP_CONSTANTS_H__
#Warning "Please include <pptp/constants.h> before <arch/constants.h>"
#define PP_DEFAULT_ETHERNET_MODE 1 /* We only use raw ethernet */
#endif /* __PPTP_ARCH_CONSTANTS_H__ */
#ifndef __PPTP_CONSTANTS_H__
#Warning "Please include <pptp/constants.h> before <arch/constants.h>"
/* nothing to do here, we keep project-wide defaults */
#endif /* __PPTP_ARCH_CONSTANTS_H__ */
#ifndef __PPTP_CONSTANTS_H__
#Warning "Please include <pptp/constants.h> before <arch/constants.h>"
#define PP_DEFAULT_ETHERNET_MODE 1 /* We only use raw ethernet */
#endif /* __PPTP_ARCH_CONSTANTS_H__ */
......@@ -86,5 +86,6 @@
#define PP_MCAST_MACADDRESS "\x01\x1B\x19\x00\x00\x00"
#define PP_PEER_MACADDRESS "\x01\x80\xC2\x00\x00\x0E"
#include <arch/constants.h> /* architectures may override the defaults */
#endif /* __PPTP_CONSTANTS_H__ */
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