Commit 5b23d9ed authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

white-rabbit: removed arith.c, duplicate of std

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent eb46c505
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ OBJ-libwr := $D/fsm-table.o \
$D/common-fun.o \
$D/bmc.o \
$D/msg.o \
$D/arith.o \
$D/hooks.o \
$D/state-wr-present.o \
$D/state-wr-m-lock.o \
* Aurelio Colosimo for CERN, 2011 -- GNU LGPL v2.1 or later
* Based on PTPd project v. 2.1.0 (see AUTHORS for details)
#include <limits.h>
#include <ppsi/ppsi.h>
#include <ppsi/diag.h>
void int64_to_TimeInternal(Integer64 bigint, TimeInternal *internal)
uint64_t bigint_val;
if (bigint.msb < 0)
PP_PRINTF("BUG: %s doesn't support negatives\n", __func__);
bigint_val = bigint.lsb;
bigint_val += ((int64_t)bigint.msb) << 32;
/* Use __div64_32 from library, to avoid libgcc on small targets */
internal->nanoseconds = __div64_32(&bigint_val, PP_NSEC_PER_SEC);
internal->seconds = bigint_val;
int from_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *internal, Timestamp *external)
* fromInternalTime is only used to convert time given by the system
* to a timestamp As a consequence, no negative value can normally
* be found in (internal)
* Note that offsets are also represented with TimeInternal structure,
* and can be negative, but offset are never convert into Timestamp
* so there is no problem here.
if ((internal->seconds & ~INT_MAX) ||
(internal->nanoseconds & ~INT_MAX)) {
PP_PRINTF("Error: Negative value cannot be converted into "
return -1;
} else {
external->secondsField.lsb = internal->seconds;
external->nanosecondsField = internal->nanoseconds;
external->secondsField.msb = 0;
return 0;
int to_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *internal, Timestamp *external)
/* Program will not run after 2038... */
if (external->secondsField.lsb < INT_MAX) {
internal->seconds = external->secondsField.lsb;
internal->nanoseconds = external->nanosecondsField;
return 0;
} else {
PP_PRINTF("to_TimeInternal: "
"seconds field is higher than signed integer (32bits)\n");
return -1;
static void normalize_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *r)
r->seconds += r->nanoseconds / PP_NSEC_PER_SEC;
r->nanoseconds -= r->nanoseconds / PP_NSEC_PER_SEC * PP_NSEC_PER_SEC;
if (r->seconds > 0 && r->nanoseconds < 0) {
r->seconds -= 1;
r->nanoseconds += PP_NSEC_PER_SEC;
} else if (r->seconds < 0 && r->nanoseconds > 0) {
r->seconds += 1;
r->nanoseconds -= PP_NSEC_PER_SEC;
void add_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *r, TimeInternal *x, TimeInternal *y)
r->seconds = x->seconds + y->seconds;
r->nanoseconds = x->nanoseconds + y->nanoseconds;
void sub_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *r, TimeInternal *x, TimeInternal *y)
r->seconds = x->seconds - y->seconds;
r->nanoseconds = x->nanoseconds - y->nanoseconds;
void div2_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *r)
r->nanoseconds += r->seconds % 2 * 1000000000;
r->seconds /= 2;
r->nanoseconds /= 2;
void set_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *t, Integer32 s, Integer32 ns)
t->seconds = s;
t->nanoseconds = ns;
void display_TimeInternal(const char *label, TimeInternal *t)
PP_VPRINTF("%s: %s%d.%09d \n", label,
(t->seconds < 0 || (t->seconds == 0 && t->nanoseconds < 0)) ? "-" : " ",
abs(t->seconds), abs(t->nanoseconds));
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