Commit 6239ca56 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

Fix issue: up/down/up interface transition

When a transition of a interface form up->down->up occured, the Slave port was restarted sometimes with the extension OFF.
It has been fixed by re-enabling the extension when a transition state from SLAVE to UNCALIBRATED is detected.
parent 85fbcd64
......@@ -233,6 +233,10 @@ static void wr_state_change(struct pp_instance *ppi)
pp_diag(ppi, ext, 2, "hook: %s\n", __func__);
if (ppi->state == PPS_SLAVE && ppi->next_state==PPS_UNCALIBRATED) {
pdstate_enable_extension(ppi); // Re-enable the extension
if ( ppi->extState==PP_EXSTATE_ACTIVE ) {
// Check leaving state
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