Commit d3b860f2 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

spec and whiterabbit: Makefile fixes

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent c663b16d
# Alessandro Rubini for CERN, 2011 -- public domain
CFLAGS += -ffreestanding -Os \
CFLAGS += -ffreestanding -Os \
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections \
-mmultiply-enabled -mbarrel-shift-enabled
-mmultiply-enabled -mbarrel-shift-enabled \
ARCH_LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -static -T $(ARCH).lds
# Root of wrpc-sw project
# FIXME ptp-noposix root; used till everything common would not be put in
# wrpc-sw
CFLAGS += -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/include -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/softpll \
-I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/boards/spec \
# FIXME ptp-noposix root; used temporarily until we clean up
CFLAGS += -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/include -I$(PTPNOPOSIX_ROOT)/softpll \
-I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/boards/spec -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
# All files are under A (short for ARCH): I'm lazy
A := arch-$(ARCH)
LIBARCH := $A/libarch.a
LIBS += -L$A -larch
OBJ-libarch := $A/spec-socket.o \
$A/spec-io.o \
$A/spec-timer.o \
......@@ -28,23 +34,11 @@ OBJ-libarch := $A/spec-socket.o \
$A/spec-calibration.o \
specdev-objects := $(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/uart.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/syscon.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/ep_pfilter.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/endpoint.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/pps_gen.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/minic.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/arch/lm32/irq.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/dev/sdb.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/lib/net.o \
$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/wrc_ptp_ppsi.o \
$(PTPNOPOSIX_ROOT)/softpll/softpll_ng.o \
$(PTPNOPOSIX_ROOT)/libposix/freestanding-wrapper.o \
$(LIBARCH): $(OBJ-libarch)
$(AR) r $@ $^
all: $(TARGET).o $(LIBARCH)
ppsi-bin: $(TARGET) $(TARGET).bin
# to build the target, we need -lstd again, in case we call functions that
# Hosted environment: build the final exectuable
# All files are under directory D: I'm lazy
D := proto-ext-whiterabbit
LIBWR := $D/libwr.a
LIBS += -L$D -lwr
# don't link as a library, but as a big object. Otherwise we loose open/close
LIBWRO := $D/libwr.o
OBJ-libwr := $D/fsm-table.o \
$D/state-initializing.o \
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ OBJ-libwr := $D/fsm-table.o \
$D/wr-msg.o \
$(LIBWR): $(OBJ-libwr)
$(AR) r $@ $^
$(LIBWRO): $(OBJ-libwr)
$(LD) -r $^ -o $@
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