Commit efa11fb3 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

Merge branch 'configuration'

parents fe4470bb 7efaff34
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ build_diags () {
build_one "$msg, printf xint" CONFIG_PRINTF_XINT=y
# then build with all diagnostics, and default printf
build_one "$msg, all messages"
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
ARCH ?= unix
# Also, you can set USER_CFLAGS, like this (or on the command line)
#### In theory, users should not change stuff below this line (but please read)
......@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ export CFLAGS
# libraries: see proto-standard/Makefile as an example.
$(TARGET).o: $(OBJ-y)
$(LD) -Map $(TARGET).map1 -r -o $@ $(OBJ-y) --start-group $(LIBS) --end-group
$(LD) -Map $(TARGET).map1 -r -o $@ $(OBJ-y) $(PPSI_O_LDFLAGS) \
--start-group $(LIBS) --end-group
# Finally, "make clean" is expected to work
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# All files are under A (short for ARCH): I'm lazy
A := arch-$(ARCH)
CFLAGS += -Itools
LIBARCH := $A/libarch.a
......@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
#include <ppsi/ppsi.h>
#include "ppsi-unix.h"
CONST_VERBOSITY int pp_diag_verbosity = 0;
/* ppg and fields */
static struct pp_globals ppg_static;
static DSDefault defaultDS;
......@@ -61,8 +59,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (adjtimex(&t) >= 0)
timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffset = t.tai;
pp_config_file(ppg, &argc, argv, NULL, "link 0\niface eth0\n"
"proto udp\n" /* mandatory trailing \n */);
if (pp_parse_cmdline(ppg, argc, argv) != 0)
return -1;
/* If no item has been parsed, provide a default file or string */
if (ppg->cfg_items == 0)
pp_config_file(ppg, 0, PP_DEFAULT_CONFIGFILE);
if (ppg->cfg_items == 0)
pp_config_string(ppg, strdup("link 0; iface eth0; proto udp"));
for (i = 0; i < ppg->nlinks; i++) {
......@@ -72,12 +76,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
ppi->glbs = ppg;
ppi->iface_name = ppi->cfg.iface_name;
ppi->ethernet_mode = (ppi->cfg.proto == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (ppi->cfg.role == 1) {
/* this old-fashioned "ethernet_mode" is a single bit */
ppi->ethernet_mode = (ppi->cfg.proto == PPSI_PROTO_RAW);
if (ppi->cfg.role == PPSI_ROLE_MASTER) {
ppi->master_only = 1;
ppi->slave_only = 0;
else if (ppi->cfg.role == 2) {
else if (ppi->cfg.role == PPSI_ROLE_SLAVE) {
ppi->master_only = 0;
ppi->slave_only = 1;
......@@ -94,9 +99,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (pp_parse_cmdline(ppg, argc, argv) != 0)
return -1;
......@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ CFLAGS += -ffreestanding -Os \
# Root of wrpc-sw project
CFLAGS += -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/include -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/softpll \
-I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/boards/spec \
CFLAGS += -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/include -I$(WRPCSW_ROOT)/softpll
PPSI_O_LDFLAGS = -u wrc_ptp_init
# FIXME ptp-noposix root; used temporarily until we clean up
......@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ extern int32_t cal_phase_transition;
int ptp_mode = WRC_MODE_UNKNOWN;
static int ptp_enabled = 0, ptp_forced_stop = 0;
CONST_VERBOSITY int pp_diag_verbosity = 0;
/*ppi fields*/
static DSDefault defaultDS;
static DSCurrent currentDS;
# All files are under A (short for ARCH): I'm lazy
A := arch-$(ARCH)
CFLAGS += -Itools
LIBARCH := $A/libarch.a
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
#include <ppsi-wrs.h>
#include "../proto-ext-whiterabbit/wr-api.h"
CONST_VERBOSITY int pp_diag_verbosity = 0;
/* ppg and fields */
static struct pp_globals ppg_static;
static DSDefault defaultDS;
......@@ -90,9 +88,25 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffset = *p;
pp_config_file(ppg, &argc, argv, "/wr/etc/ppsi.conf",
"link 0\niface wr0\n" /* mandatory trailing \n */);
if (pp_parse_cmdline(ppg, argc, argv) != 0)
return -1;
/* If no item has been parsed, provide a default file or string */
if (ppg->cfg_items == 0)
pp_config_file(ppg, 0, "/wr/etc/ppsi.conf");
if (ppg->cfg_items == 0)
pp_config_file(ppg, 0, PP_DEFAULT_CONFIGFILE);
if (ppg->cfg_items == 0) {
/* Default configuration for WR switch is all ports */
char s[128];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
sprintf(s, "port wr%i; iface wr%i; proto raw;"
"extension whiterabbit; role auto", i, i);
pp_config_string(ppg, s);
for (i = 0; i < ppg->nlinks; i++) {
ppi = &ppg->pp_instances[i];
......@@ -101,12 +115,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
ppi->glbs = ppg;
ppi->iface_name = ppi->cfg.iface_name;
ppi->ethernet_mode = (ppi->cfg.proto == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (ppi->cfg.role == 1) {
/* this old-fashioned "ethernet_mode" is a single bit */
ppi->ethernet_mode = (ppi->cfg.proto == PPSI_PROTO_RAW);
if (ppi->cfg.role == PPSI_ROLE_MASTER) {
ppi->master_only = 1;
ppi->slave_only = 0;
else if (ppi->cfg.role == 2) {
else if (ppi->cfg.role == PPSI_ROLE_SLAVE) {
ppi->master_only = 0;
ppi->slave_only = 1;
......@@ -125,9 +140,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (pp_parse_cmdline(ppg, argc, argv) != 0)
return -1;
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ static char *thing_name[] = {
[pp_dt_servo] = "diag-servo",
[pp_dt_bmc] = "diag-bmc",
[pp_dt_ext] = "diag-extension",
[pp_dt_config] = "diag-config",
......@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ void __pp_diag(struct pp_instance *ppi, enum pp_diag_things th,
int level, char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
char *name = ppi ? ppi->iface_name : "ppsi";
if (!__PP_DIAG_ALLOW(ppi, th, level))
......@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ void __pp_diag(struct pp_instance *ppi, enum pp_diag_things th,
extern int DIAG_PUTS(const char *s);
pp_sprintf(buf, "%s-%i-%s: ",
thing_name[th], level, ppi->iface_name);
thing_name[th], level, name);
va_start(args, fmt);
pp_vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
......@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ void __pp_diag(struct pp_instance *ppi, enum pp_diag_things th,
/* Use the normal output channel for diagnostics */
pp_printf("%s-%i-%s: ", thing_name[th], level, ppi->iface_name);
pp_printf("%s-%i-%s: ", thing_name[th], level, name);
va_start(args, fmt);
pp_vprintf(fmt, args);
......@@ -350,6 +350,51 @@ As of 2013-05 the project suffers from these known bugs:
untested in our environments.
@end itemize
@c ##########################################################################
@node Configuration
@chapter Configuration
PPSi support configuration files and individual configuration items
passed on the command line. Such support is currently not available
for freestanding architectures (the @i{bare} ones and @i{wrpc-sw}).
When PPSi starts it parses its own configuration. The command line can
include a number of @t{-f <file>} and @t{-C <item>} options; they are
processed in order, so later ones override earlier ones. A
configuration ``item'' can include several directives, using the
semicolon as a separator.
If no configuration file is specified, the program reads the default
one, which is architecture-specific (thus, the default configuration
file is processed after all the command line configuration items. The
default file name is @t{/etc/ppsi.conf}, but @t{arch-wrs} tries to
load @t{/wr/etc/ppsi.conf} first. The source tree of PPSi includes
two example configuration files in its own @t{etc/} subdirectory.
Configuration is made of of global options and port-specific options.
To configure a port, use @t{port <name>} followed by its options.
The parser allocates a new PTP state machine for each new port, but
allows changing configuration of an existing port. For instance, to
enable frame diagnostics for a specific port, you can use:
./ppsi -f /etc/ppsi.conf -C "port eth1; diagnostics 02"
@end smallexample
Each configuration item is made up of a keywork and an optional
argument. The argument can be either a number or a string. The
parser looks up keywords in three tables: a global table, an
architecture-specific table and an extension-specific table.
Currently not architectures or extensions provide configuration
keywords, while the list of global items is on show in @t{lib/conf.c},
as the @t{pp_global_arglines} array. Future versions of this manual
may document the keywords, if the time allows it.
@b{Note:} most current command-line options are going to be turned into
configuration options. This applies to the priorities, intervals and
thresholds, as well as the @i{slave-only} flag.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Diagnostics
@chapter Diagnostics
......@@ -357,10 +402,13 @@ As of 2013-05 the project suffers from these known bugs:
During development of PPSi, diagnostic support used several
techniques, but finally we converged on the one described here, that
is here to stay. The idea is that we need to add verbosity
per-feature and per-link. This fine-grained control is expected to be
per-feature and per-port. This fine-grained control is expected to be
important while developing features or while diagnosing problems on
new architectures.
The @t{diagnostics} configuration keyword can be used both as a global
item and as a port-specific configuration value.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Diagnostic Macros
@section Diagnostic Macros
......@@ -376,18 +424,40 @@ each diagnostic thing the header defines a few bits; so we can have
diagnostic levels for each of them, but we suggest only using level 1
and 2 -- the rationale is in the header itself.
The @i{things} currently defined are: finite state machine, time code,
frame send/receive, servo, best master clock, extension-specific
features. The user is expected to pass diagnostic flags as a string,
The @i{things} currently defined are:
@item Finite State Machine: PPSi reports FSM state transitions.
@item Time: at level 1 PPSi reports @i{time_set} operations
and timeouts; at level 2 it also reports @i{time_get} operations.
@item Frames: at level 1 PPSi reports any send and receive event; at level 2
it also shows the frame itself (using @i{ptpdump} code).
@item Servo: report servo operation. At level 2 it also shows the individual
timestamps and internal averaging.
@item BMC: at level 1 PPSi reports BMC choices, at level 2 it reports
addition of new masters as well.
@item Externsions: extension-specific information.
@item Configuration: at level 1 PPSi reports errors, at level 2 all
configuration items being parsed (from either files or command line).
@end itemize
The user is expected to pass diagnostic flags as a string,
specifying diagnostic levels for each of the things, where trailing
zeroes are optional. So for example ``@t{01}'' specifies a
diagnostic level 1 for time, and ``@t{102}'' specifies FSM at level1
diagnostic level 1 for time, and ``@t{102}'' specifies FSM at level 1
and frames at level 2. The header itself is more detailed about
the conventions.
To parse the diagnostic string, PPSi offers @i{pp_diag_parse}. The
function is used, for example, by the code that reads the command
function is used by both the code that reads the command line
and code that parses configuration.
Within PPSi, developers should insert diagnostic messages by means
of the @i{pp_diag} function:
......@@ -866,6 +936,10 @@ support since-char options; we don't want to rely on @i{getopt} which
is not available for all architectures, nor we want to implement
complex parsing.
@b{Note:} most current command-line options are going to be turned into
configuration options. This applies to the priorities, intervals and
thresholds, as well as the @i{slave-only} flag.
For standard operation, simply run @t{./ppsi} with no options. It will
work like the PTPd executable, with the automatic choice of
master/slave defined in @sc{ieee} specification (announce/timeout mechanism).
......@@ -875,11 +949,6 @@ a list of the other ones please see the help message.
@table @t
@item -V
Increase verbosity. This is used for the @i{old} diagnostics (see
@ref{Older Diagnostics}). You may want to use it once or twice.
@item -d
Diagnostics. This options receives the string of diagnostic
# ppsi configuration file for Seven Solution 18-ports switch.
# Just rename it to ppsi.conf and copy it to /etc/ppsi.conf on the
# switch.
# ppsi suggested configuration file the White Rabbit Switch
# The WRS looks for this in /wr/etc/ppsi.conf or /etc/ppsi.conf
# Global settings
clock-class 187
clock-accuracy 254
link slave
port slave
iface wr0
role slave
extension whiterabbit
link master1
port master1
iface wr1
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master2
port master2
iface wr2
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master3
port master3
iface wr3
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master4
port master4
iface wr4
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master5
port master5
iface wr5
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master6
port master6
iface wr6
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master7
port master7
iface wr7
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master8
port master8
iface wr8
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master9
port master9
iface wr9
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master10
port master10
iface wr10
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master11
port master11
iface wr11
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master12
port master12
iface wr12
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master13
port master13
iface wr13
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master14
port master14
iface wr14
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master15
port master15
iface wr15
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master16
port master16
iface wr16
role auto
extension whiterabbit
link master17
port master17
iface wr17
role auto
extension whiterabbit
# Sample ppsi configuration file. Mainly to be used for multi-link
# purposes, it defines the various "links" for ppsi, assigning a port
# Sample ppsi configuration file. Mainly to be used for multi-port
# purposes, it defines the various PTP ports, assigning a port
# for each link and defining the link properties.
# Some global setting is available:
# clock-class <val>, where val is a decimal number for Clock Class
# clock-accuracy <val>, where val is a decimal number for Clock Accuracy
# See documentation or lib/conf.c for a list of parameters.
# Each link must be defined as follows:
# link <id>, where id is a label identifying the link (e.g. a number)
# iface <eth>, where <eth> is the interface name, e.g. eth0
# proto [raw|udp], where raw is the default
# role [auto|master|slave], where auto is the default
# extension [none|whiterabbit], where none is the default
# Both newline and semicolon act as separators. Each port is defined as:
# port <name>; iface <hwname>
# proto raw|udp (raw is the default)
# role auto|master|slave (auto is the default)
# extension none|whiterabbit (none is the default)
# Global settings
clock-class 248
clock-accuracy 254
# Link 0 is the slave, connected to the external master clock
link 0
iface eth0
proto raw
role slave
extension none
# Port 0 is slave, connected to the external master clock
port eth-raw; iface eth0; proto raw; role slave
# Link 1 is one master, driving its slave peer
link 1
iface eth1
proto raw
role master
extension none
# The same ethernet is also a udp PTP port
port eth-udp; iface eth0; proto udp; role auto
# Eth1 is master-only on raw ethernet, driving its slave peer
port eth1; iface eth1; proto raw; role master
# Link 2 is another master, driving another slave peer
link 2
port eth2
iface eth2
proto raw
role master
......@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ enum pp_timeouts {
/* A few timeouts for the protocol extension */
......@@ -2,32 +2,8 @@
* Macros for diagnostic prints.
* We still have support for compile-time settings, in order to remove
* quite a few kilobytes of stuff from the compiled binary. This first
* part of the file is the previous way, which is still used in
* several files. I plan to phase it out slowly, but let's avoid
* massive changes at this point.
* This verbosity argument, that can be changed at run time
* or not. If it can be changed, stuff works like this, depending on
* an integer value somewhere (it is incremented by each -V on a host run).
* BTW, Host build always have CONFIG_PPSI_RUNTIME_VERBOSITY set, because we
* have no size problems there (bare build don't have it, in order to
* easily test how stuff work on real freestanding environments.
#define CONST_VERBOSITY /* nothing: use "int pp_diag_verbosity" */
#else /* no runtime verbosity */
#define CONST_VERBOSITY const /* use "const int pp_diag_verbosity */
extern CONST_VERBOSITY int pp_diag_verbosity;
#define pp_error(...) \
if (pp_diag_verbosity) pp_printf("ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__)
#define pp_error(...) pp_printf("ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__)
* The "new" diagnostics is based on flags: there are per-instance flags
......@@ -56,6 +32,7 @@ enum pp_diag_things {
pp_dt_servo = 4,
pp_dt_bmc = 3,
pp_dt_ext = 2,
pp_dt_config = 1,
* Note: we may use less bits and have more things, without changing
......@@ -70,7 +47,7 @@ extern unsigned long pp_global_flags; /* Supplement ppi-specific ones */
/* So, extract the level */
#define __PP_FLAGS(ppi) (ppi->flags | pp_global_flags)
#define __PP_FLAGS(ppi) ((ppi ? ppi->flags : 0) | pp_global_flags)
#define __PP_DIAG_ALLOW(ppi, th, level) \
((__PP_FLAGS(ppi) >> (4 * (th)) & 0xf) >= level)
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ struct pp_net_path {
* (see lib/conf.c)
struct pp_instance_cfg {
char link_name[16];
char port_name[16];
char iface_name[16];
int proto; /* 0: raw, 1: udp */
int role; /* 0: auto, 1: master, 2: slave */
......@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ struct pp_globals {
int nlinks;
int max_links;
int cfg_items; /* Remember how many we parsed */
void *arch_data; /* if arch needs it */
/* FIXME Here include all is common to many interfaces */
......@@ -250,13 +250,50 @@ static inline void pp_timeout_restart_annrec(struct pp_instance *ppi)
/* The channel for an instance must be created and possibly destroyed. */
extern int pp_open_globals(struct pp_globals *ppg);
extern int pp_close_globals(struct pp_globals *ppg);
extern int pp_parse_cmdline(struct pp_globals *ppg, int argc, char **argv);
extern int pp_config_file(struct pp_globals *ppg, int *argcp, char **argv,
char *default_name, char *default_conf);
* Configuration: we are structure-based, and a typedef simplifies things
typedef int (*cfg_handler)(int lineno, int iarg, char *sarg);
struct pp_argname {
char *name;
int value;
enum pp_argtype {
struct pp_argline {
cfg_handler f;
char *keyword; /* Each line starts with a keyword */
enum pp_argtype t;
struct pp_argname *args;
/* Both the architecture and the extension can provide config arguments */
extern struct pp_argline pp_arch_arglines[];
extern struct pp_argline pp_ext_arglines[];
/* Note: config_string modifies the string it receives */
extern int pp_config_string(struct pp_globals *ppg, char *s);
extern int pp_config_file(struct pp_globals *ppg, int force, char *fname);
#define PPSI_PROTO_RAW 0
#define PPSI_PROTO_UDP 1
#define PPSI_ROLE_AUTO 0
#define PPSI_EXT_NONE 0
#define PPSI_EXT_WR 1
/* Servo */
extern void pp_servo_init(struct pp_instance *ppi);
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ void ppsi_clear_bss(void)
static struct pp_globals ppg_static;
static struct pp_instance ppi_static;
CONST_VERBOSITY int pp_diag_verbosity = 0;
/* ppg fields */
static DSDefault defaultDS;
......@@ -40,8 +39,7 @@ int ppsi_main(int argc, char **argv)
struct pp_instance *ppi = &ppi_static; /* no malloc, one instance */
struct bare_timex t;
if (pp_diag_verbosity)
pp_printf("ppsi starting. Built on %s\n", __DATE__);
pp_printf("ppsi starting. Built on %s\n", __DATE__);
ppi->glbs = ppg;
ppg->defaultDS = &defaultDS;
......@@ -72,3 +70,17 @@ int ppsi_main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
/* We can't parse a config file or string (no system calls, /me is lazy) */
int pp_config_file(struct pp_globals *ppg, int force, char *fname)
pp_printf("No support for config file: can't read \"%s\"\n",
return -1;
int pp_config_string(struct pp_globals *ppg, char *s)
pp_printf("No support for config options: can't parse \"%s\"\n", s);
return -1;
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
* Released according to the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or any later version.
#include <ppsi/ppsi.h>
#define CMD_LINE_SEPARATOR {"", ""}
......@@ -23,7 +22,9 @@ static struct cmd_line_opt cmd_line_list[] = {
//{"-d", "display stats"},
//{"-D", "display stats in .csv format"},
//{"-R", "record data about sync packets in a file"},
{"-V", "run in verbose mode"},
{"-C CONFIG_ITEM", "set configuration options as stated in CONFIG_ITEM\n\t"
"CONFIG_ITEM must be a valid config string, enclosed by \" \""},
{"-f FILE", "read configuration file"},
{"-d STRING", "diagnostic level (see diag-macros.h)"},
{"-x", "do not reset the clock if off by more than one second"},
......@@ -104,130 +105,132 @@ int pp_parse_cmdline(struct pp_globals *ppg, int argc, char **argv)
return -1;
if (1) { /* ARub: I don't want to reindent it all */
switch (a[1]) {
case 'V':
case 'd':
/* Use the general flags, per-instance TBD */
a = argv[++i];
pp_global_flags = pp_diag_parse(a);
case 'x':
GOPTS(ppg)->no_rst_clk = 1;
case 'O':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->max_rst = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->max_rst > PP_NSEC_PER_SEC) {
pp_printf("Use -x to prevent jumps of"
switch (a[1]) {
case 'd':
/* Use the general flags, per-instance TBD */
a = argv[++i];
pp_global_flags = pp_diag_parse(a);
case 'C':
pp_config_string(ppg, argv[++i]);
case 'f':
pp_config_file(ppg, 1, argv[++i]);
case 'x':
GOPTS(ppg)->no_rst_clk = 1;
case 'O':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->max_rst = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->max_rst > PP_NSEC_PER_SEC) {
pp_printf("Use -x to prevent jumps of"
" more than one second\n");
return -1;
case 'M':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->max_dly = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->max_dly > PP_NSEC_PER_SEC) {
pp_printf("Use -x to prevent jumps of"
" more than one second\n");
return -1;
case 'M':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->max_dly = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->max_dly > PP_NSEC_PER_SEC) {
pp_printf("Use -x to prevent jumps of"
" more than one second\n");
return -1;
case 't':
GOPTS(ppg)->no_adjust = 1;
case 'a':
a = argv[++i];
cmd_line_parse_two(a, &n1, &n2);
/* no negative or zero attenuation */
if (n1 < 1 || n2 < 1)
return -1;
GOPTS(ppg)->ap = n1;
GOPTS(ppg)->ai = n2;
case 'w':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->s = atoi(a);
case 'b':
a = argv[++i];
if (ppg->nlinks == 1)
ppg->pp_instances[0].iface_name = a;
else {
/* If ppsi.conf exists and more than one link is
* configured, it makes no sense trying to set an iface
* name */
pp_printf("Can not use -b option in multi-link conf");
return -1;
case 'l':
a = argv[++i];
cmd_line_parse_two(a, &n1, &n2);
GOPTS(ppg)->inbound_latency.nanoseconds = n1;
GOPTS(ppg)->outbound_latency.nanoseconds = n2;
case 'i':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->domain_number = atoi(a);
case 'y':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->sync_intvl = atoi(a);
case 'n':
a = argv[++i];
/* Page 237 says 0 to 4 (1s .. 16s) */
GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl < 0)
GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl = 0;
if (GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl > 4)
GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl = 4;
case 'g':
/* Apply -g option globally, to each configured link */
for (j = 0; j < ppg->nlinks; j++)
ppg->pp_instances[j].slave_only = 1;
case 'v':
a = argv[++i];
offsetScaledLogVariance = atoi(a);
case 'r':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->clock_quality.clockAccuracy =
case 's':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->clock_quality.clockClass =
case 'p':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->prio1 = atoi(a);
case 'q':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->prio2 = atoi(a);
case 'h':
/* ignored: was "GOPTS(ppg)->e2e_mode = 1;" */
case 'e':
/* Apply -e option globally, to each configured link */
for (j = 0; j < ppg->nlinks; j++)
ppg->pp_instances[j].ethernet_mode = 1;
case 'G':
/* gptp_mode not supported: fall through */
return -1;
case 't':
GOPTS(ppg)->no_adjust = 1;
case 'a':
a = argv[++i];
cmd_line_parse_two(a, &n1, &n2);
/* no negative or zero attenuation */
if (n1 < 1 || n2 < 1)
return -1;
GOPTS(ppg)->ap = n1;
GOPTS(ppg)->ai = n2;
case 'w':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->s = atoi(a);
case 'b':
a = argv[++i];
if (ppg->nlinks == 1)
ppg->pp_instances[0].iface_name = a;
else {
/* If ppsi.conf exists and more than one link is
* configured, it makes no sense trying to set an iface
* name */
pp_printf("Can not use -b option in multi-link conf");
return -1;
case 'l':
a = argv[++i];
cmd_line_parse_two(a, &n1, &n2);
GOPTS(ppg)->inbound_latency.nanoseconds = n1;
GOPTS(ppg)->outbound_latency.nanoseconds = n2;
case 'i':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->domain_number = atoi(a);
case 'y':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->sync_intvl = atoi(a);
case 'n':
a = argv[++i];
/* Page 237 says 0 to 4 (1s .. 16s) */
GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl < 0)
GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl = 0;
if (GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl > 4)
GOPTS(ppg)->announce_intvl = 4;
case 'g':
/* Apply -g option globally, to each configured link */
for (j = 0; j < ppg->nlinks; j++)
ppg->pp_instances[j].slave_only = 1;
case 'v':
a = argv[++i];
offsetScaledLogVariance = atoi(a);
case 'r':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->clock_quality.clockAccuracy =
case 's':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->clock_quality.clockClass =
case 'p':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->prio1 = atoi(a);
case 'q':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->prio2 = atoi(a);
case 'h':
/* ignored: was "GOPTS(ppg)->e2e_mode = 1;" */
case 'e':
/* Apply -e option globally, to each configured link */
for (j = 0; j < ppg->nlinks; j++)
ppg->pp_instances[j].ethernet_mode = 1;
case 'G':
/* gptp_mode not supported: fall through */
return -1;
return 0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ static int wr_open(struct pp_globals *ppg, struct pp_runtime_opts *rt_opts)
* wr_data. May I move it to pp_globals? */
ppg->pp_instances[i].ext_data = &wr_data;
if (ppi->cfg.ext) {
if (ppi->cfg.ext == PPSI_EXT_WR) {
switch (ppi->cfg.role) {
case 1:
WR_DSPOR(ppi)->wrConfig = WR_M_ONLY;
case 2:
WR_DSPOR(ppi)->wrConfig = WR_S_ONLY;
......@@ -10,12 +10,19 @@
* Fault troubleshooting. Now only prints an error messages and comes back to
* PTP_INITIALIZING state after a 4-seconds grace period
int pp_faulty(struct pp_instance *ppi, unsigned char *pkt, int plen)
pp_diag(ppi, fsm, 1, "Faulty state detected\n");
ppi->next_state = PPS_INITIALIZING;
if (ppi->is_new_state) {
pp_timeout_set(ppi, PP_TO_FAULTY, 4000);
if (pp_timeout(ppi, PP_TO_FAULTY)) {
ppi->next_state = PPS_INITIALIZING;
return 0;
ppi->next_delay = pp_ms_to_timeout(ppi, PP_TO_FAULTY);
return 0;
......@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ static char *timeout_names[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE] __attribute__((used)) = {
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