Commit ff2cf609 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini Committed by Aurelio Colosimo

Added README (mostly by Aurelio)

parent a4928fe6
About This Project
pptp (Portable Precision Time Protocol) is an application which, in
its basic operation, implements IEEE 1588 specification in a way
that is portable to several architectures, including OS-less ones.
Configuration is performed using environment variables, as explained later.
The algorithm and computation routines regarding the basic IEEE 1588
are derived from the PTPd project, v.2.1.0 (see AUTHORS for details
about copyright). In addition to what available in that package,
we support raw Ethernet frames (ETH_P_1588), according to Annex F of the
specification. (FIXME: this is set up but not working, yet)
The project, when released, includes the extension for the White
Rabbit protocol, which aims to achieve a sub-ns accuracy over networks
up to 10km wide, by using proper hardware and ptp extensions. White
Rabbit is developed at
Current Status (February 2012)
We currently have only standard PTP (IEEE 1588) with no extensions.
Code for the White Rabbit extension is being worked on (currently WR
devices use a different code base, which should be replaced by this one).
The only working architecture is called "gnu-linux" at this point.
Compile-time Configuration
The code is organized in directories and compiled as libraries.
Each sub-directory has a name that reflects either the arch or
the extension:
arch-gnu-linux/ The default for hosted compile
arch-bare-linux/ A freestanding implementation (i386 syscalls)
arch-spec/ For the SPEC card, lm32 processor
proto-standard/ Standard PTP implementation
proto-ext-whiterabbit/ Additional code for White Rabbit
diag/ Diagnostic code (none, partial, full)
Configuration is set by make variable, that you can pre-set in the
CROSS_COMPILE prefix, like "arm-linux-", or empty
PROTO_EXT "whiterabbit" or empty
ARCH name of you arch (default: gnu-linux)
HAS_DIAG set to "y" or leave unset
HAS_FULL_DIAG set to "y" or leave unset
NOTE: The default has no diagnostics, so you most likely will want to run
or just "make" after running
export HAS_FULL_DIAG=y
If none of the variables are specified, the default Makefile compiles
with standard gcc, over gnu-linux architecture, with no protocol
extension and no diagnostic.
Implementation Details
The main Makefile builds directory names from $ARCH and $PROTO_EXT,
each sub-Makefile then can augment CFLAGS with "-ffreestanding" or
whatever is needed. Similarly, CROSS_COMPILE may be set by sub-Makefiles
but please let the environment override it (as no custom pathnames
should be edited before building and the pristine package can be used).
The basic state machine is in ./fsm.c . It's a simple file released in
the public domain as we'd like the idea to be reused and the code
itself is not worth copylefting. Please note that the pptp as a whole
is LGPL-2.1 or later.
All the rest of the package is built as libraries. The link order
of libraries selects which object files are picked up and which are not.
Additionally, "HAS_DIAG" and "HAS_FULL_DIAG" select by Makefile rules
which diagnostic implementation (if any) is part of the diag library.
This state-machine source has three undefined symbols: two for
diagnostics and the "pp_state_table". The table is picked by a
library: either the extension being selected or the proto-standard one.
The table includes pointers to functions, so those undefined symbols
will select which other object files are picked up.
Individual architectures can add files to the "OBJ-y" make variable,
in order to add their own stuff (like the main() functions or crt0.S
for freestanding stuff). Similarly, architectures can add targets
to the "all" target (the main Makefile only builds "pproto.o",
leaving the final link to the chosen architecture).
Since code and data space is a problem in the freestanding world (for
example, the whole ptp may need to fit in 64kB RAM including data and
stack), each state in the state machine of the standard protocol must
be implemented as a separate file. This allows an extension not using
that particular function to save the overhead of binary size -- this
happens because the linker pulls whole object files from libraries.
Clearly an extension may implement several functions in the same file,
as they are known to be all used in the final binary.
The code is licensed according to the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
Some files are individually released to the public domain, when we
think they are especially simple or generic.
Both the full and the partial printf code is distributed according to
the GPL-2, as it comes from the Linux kernel. This means that any
code using our diagnostics fall under the GPL requirements; you may
compile and use the diagnostic code internally with your own
proprietary code but you can't distribute binaries with diagnostics
without the complete source code and associated rights. You may avoid
the GPL requirements by using different printf implementations; if so
we'd love to have them contributed back in the package.
For binaries without diagnostic code, the LGPL applies, as detailed
For licensing purposes, any `arch-name' or `timer-name' subdirectory
"can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves". While code in the directories provided here is all LGPL,
you may add your own drop-in subdirectories. The LGPL requirements for
source distribution and associated permissions won't apply to any such
subdirectory that you may add, even if technically such code si not
linked as a library.
Currently, there is no `timer-' support, it will be added in a way
similar to what you already see for `arch-'.
Diagnostic functions may call printf(). If you select HAS_DIAG, the
daemon is built with a minimal printf implementation.
HAS_FULL_DIAG Selects a complete printf implementation
HAS_DIAG Selects a smaller printf
-- By default a no-op printf is selected
The complete implementation comes from an older Linux implementation
(we pulled it from U-boot) as the kernel has currently extra stuff like
%-rules for printing IPV4/IPV6 addresses, symbol tables and so on.
The small implementation receives and parses the complete % formats
but only obeys %c and %s; everything else is printed as 32-bit hex
numbers. So you can use "%-10s %3i" and the output will still make some
sense, saving some kilobytes in code. The code is derived from the full
printf by stripping out code, so the same parsing applies for sure.
With no diagnostics, the printf does nothing and only puts() is available.
Command Line
The hosted architecture includes command line support:
./pptp --help
will print help about command line options (we also support the
question-mark like the original ptp, but it's a bad choice because
it's a shell wildcard). Actually, all multi-char options will
print the help at this point in time, but this will be fixed.
For standard operation, simply run ./pptp with no options. It will
work like the ptpd executable, with the automatic choice of
master/slave defined in IEEE spec (announce/timeout mechanism).
NOTE: you'll need super user privileges to run the program.
Coding Style and Conventions
The coding style is the one inherited from Linux kernel project (see
Documentation/CodingStyle in the kernel sources). However,
structures, constants and field names defined by IEEE 1588 are kept in
the suggested "CamelCase" form. Similarly, the typedefs are left, even
if they are really a pain to deal with. Most of this stuff is in
include/pptp/ieee1588_types.h file.
The mostly used prefix is (pp_), the short prefix for 'Portable PTP',
which is used for every function related to the algorithm itself (but
not in the architecture-specific code).
Some prefixes to the IEEE naming are added, in order to improve
EN means "enumeration type". For instance, Enumeration Time Source
(defined in the spec at table 7, page 57) becomes ENTimeSource
PPM_ means "portable ptp message", and is used for message types
Msg means "message" and is used for message structures
PPS_ means "portable ptp state" and is used for state machine's states
DS means "data set", and is used for the standard Data Sets (e.g. DS
Current is the "Current Data Set"). The concept of data sets is
defined in the spec at chapter 8, page 63.
/alessandro and aurelio
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