1. 08 Mar, 2013 3 commits
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      kill ppi->record_update · fd2b09a0
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      The code, when receiving announce, was setting a flag in order to run
      bmc at the next iteration, when that happened, the frame just received
      was discarded in favour for the programmed state update.
      This commits remove some fields and one helper function, so the new
      announce is immediately processed and no frame is lost.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      kill portState: nobody is using it · 692af7f3
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      the portState field is probably a relic of ptpd, then the state
      machine was a single switch() statement.  Many places were still
      setting it, but nobody was ever reading the field.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      kill ppi->msg_tmp · 4a7a4164
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      There is no need for a "msg_tmp" in the pp-instance. All uses are
      really temporary to a function, so we can use local variables instead.
      (This is not the same as what was called tmp_header, which was
      referenced all over message processing, so it still exists, though
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
  2. 07 Mar, 2013 37 commits