• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    bugfix: correctionField use · a65e4f02
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    For two-step masters, the code was adding the correction fields of
    sync and follow-up.  This is wrong, since the follow-up message only
    carries the sender's timestamp for sync.  So, the only correction to
    consider is the one in sync (which accounts for transparent clocks
    the frames passed through).
    The approach taken is promoting the current correction to be a ppi
    field (like t1..t4), while killing the other "temporary" field that
    was used before this commit to keep the value that was going to be added.
    Note, however, that how cField is used in the back path (t3,t4) is not
    clear to me, and the specification is not helping: if the correction
    is automatically updated by transparent clocks in my path, the master
    should send back to me the value it received for my delay request.
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
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