Commit 33154791 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

freestanding-wrapper.c: fix compiler warnings

Unfortunately for there I have no clue about what is the correct solution.
But I really need a warning-less build situation to integrate ppsi into
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 9c106c24
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ int halexp_get_port_state(hexp_port_state_t *state, const char *port_name)
state->rx_calibrated = 1;
state->is_locked = spll_check_lock(0);
state->lock_priority = 0;
spll_get_phase_shift(0, NULL, &state->phase_setpoint);
spll_get_phase_shift(0, NULL, (int32_t *)&state->phase_setpoint);
state->clock_period = 8000;
state->t2_phase_transition = cal_phase_transition;
state->t4_phase_transition = cal_phase_transition;
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ int ptpd_netif_adjust_counters(int64_t adjust_sec, int32_t adjust_nsec)
int ptpd_netif_adjust_phase(int32_t phase_ps)
spll_set_phase_shift(SPLL_ALL_CHANNELS, phase_ps);
return 0;
/*not implemented yet*/
......@@ -216,7 +217,8 @@ int ptpd_netif_extsrc_detection()
int ptpd_netif_get_dmtd_phase(wr_socket_t *sock, int32_t *phase)
spll_read_ptracker(0, phase, NULL);
return spll_read_ptracker(0, phase, NULL);
return 0;
char* format_wr_timestamp(wr_timestamp_t ts)
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