tps/test: change threshold in

As the SPEC board use low count pin connector, the resistor divider
give us a value of 1.7 V in case of V_adj, when we read back from the
ADC present in the FMC tester.

In high pin count connector the threshold value is still 2.0 V.
parent 69afcfa0
......@@ -166,36 +166,36 @@ def main (default_directory='.'):
value1 = adc_value(adc.rd_reg16(0x80));
# Check the values of the ADC.
if(float(value8) < 2.0) :
raise TpsError ("Error in VS_VADJ, value " + value8 + " < 2.0")
if(float(value8) < 1.7) :
raise TpsError ("Error in VS_VADJ, value " + value8 + " < 1.7 V")
print "VS_VADJ = " + value8
if(float(value7) < 2.0) :
raise TpsError ("Error in VS_P12V_x, value " + value7 + " < 2.0")
raise TpsError ("Error in VS_P12V_x, value " + value7 + " < 2.0 V")
print "VS_P12V_x = " + value7
if(float(value6) < 1.57) :
raise TpsError ("Error in VS_P3V3_x, value " + value6 + " < 1.57")
raise TpsError ("Error in VS_P3V3_x, value " + value6 + " < 1.57 V")
print "VS_P3V3_x = " + value6
if(float(value5) < 2.52) :
raise TpsWarning ("Error in P5V_BI, value " + value5 + " < 2.52")
print "Error in P5V_BI, value " + value5 + " < 2.52 V"
print "P5V_BI = " + value5
if(float(value4) > 2.0) :
raise TpsWarning ("Error in M2V_BI, value " + value4 + " > 2.0")
print "Error in M2V_BI, value " + value4 + " > 2.0 V"
print "M2V_BI = " + value4
if(float(value3) > 2.28) :
raise TpsWarning ("Error in M5V2_BI, value " + value3 + " > 2.28")
print "Error in M5V2_BI, value " + value3 + " > 2.28 V"
print "M5V2_BI = " + value3
if(float(value2) > 2.4) :
raise TpsWarning ("Error in M12V_BI, value " + value2 + " > 2.4")
print "Error in M12V_BI, value " + value2 + " > 2.4 V"
print "M12V_BI = " + value2
if(float(value1) < 2.0) :
raise TpsWarning( "Error in P12V_BI, value " + value1 + " < 2.0")
print "Error in P12V_BI, value " + value1 + " < 2.0 V"
print "P12V_BI = " + value1
if __name__ == '__main__' :
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