Commit c96c6a94 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

Remove internal ADC termination for LVDS lines.

parent 3e31bbcd
......@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ class CLTC217x:
self.slave = slave
self.wr_reg(self.R_RST, self.RST)
self.wr_reg(self.R_FMT, 0)
self.wr_reg(self.R_OUTMODE, (self.OUTMODE_ILVDS_4M5 | self.OUTMODE_2L_16B | self.OUTMODE_TERMON))
#self.wr_reg(self.R_OUTMODE, (self.OUTMODE_ILVDS_4M5 | self.OUTMODE_2L_16B | self.OUTMODE_TERMON))
#self.wr_reg(self.R_OUTMODE, (self.OUTMODE_ILVDS_2M5 | self.OUTMODE_2L_16B | self.OUTMODE_TERMON))
self.wr_reg(self.R_OUTMODE, (self.OUTMODE_ILVDS_4M5 | self.OUTMODE_2L_16B))
def get_fmt(self):
return self.rd_reg(self.R_FMT)
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