tps/test/test03: change the question to the operator

parent 86b2af61
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This batch of test makes a connectivity test of the SPEC's components.
- test00: checks voltage of the power pins in FMC connector.
- test01: checks the low speed pins of FMC connector (low count connector).
- test02: checks the EEPROM of the GENNUM chip.
- test03: loads a firmware file to Flash memory and boots from it. The FW just blinks the front-panel leds with the buttons.
- test03: loads a firmware file to Flash memory and boots from it. The FW just blinks the front-panel leds using the buttons.
- test04: not present yet. It should be SFP connectivity test.
- test05: checks SATA ports and high speed pins on FMC connector (low count connector).
- test06: checks Silabs SI570 oscillator.
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def main (default_directory='.'):
tmp_stdin = sys.stdin;
sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__;
while ((ask != "Y") and (ask != "N")) :
ask = raw_input("Are the LEDs blinking? [Y/N]")
ask = raw_input("Are the LEDs of the front panel blinking when you press the buttons? Are the other LEDs ON? [Y/N]")
ask = ask.upper()
sys.stdout = tmp_stdout;
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