Commit e284ea80 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

enable (older) version build selection

parent 5d6a0916
Pipeline #3243 failed with stage
in 2 minutes and 6 seconds
......@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
# ====================================================
# ====================================================
set version ""
# Reference Design (using fmc-dio-5chttla =>
# HPSEC Design (using Bulls-Eye connector)
set spec7_design spec7_ref_top
#set spec7_design spec7_hpsec_top
# Uncomment the line below for older SPEC7v2
#set version "_v2"
# ====================================================
# ====================================================
......@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ foreach line $content {
if {[info exists spec7_design]} {
if {$spec7_design == "spec7_ref_top"} {
puts "use spec7_wr_ref_top.xdc"
read_xdc -verbose ../../top/spec7_ref_design/spec7_wr_ref_top.xdc
puts "use spec7_wr_ref_top${version}.xdc"
read_xdc -verbose ../../top/spec7_ref_design/spec7_wr_ref_top${version}.xdc
} elseif {$spec7_design == "spec7_hpsec_top"} {
puts "use spec7_wr_hpsec_top.xdc"
read_xdc -verbose ../../top/spec7_ref_design/spec7_wr_hpsec_top.xdc
puts "use spec7_wr_hpsec_top${version}.xdc"
read_xdc -verbose ../../top/spec7_ref_design/spec7_wr_hpsec_top${version}.xdc
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ close_design
# Generate a new name for .bit, .mmi and xsa file and copy to project directory.
# Also create a copy of these files in the work directory that can be picked up by .gitlab-ci.yml
# Create a senible name including date and time
set bitfile_name ${spec7_design}_[string range $device 3 6]_[clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d_%H%M]
set bitfile_name ${spec7_design}${version}_[string range $device 3 6]_[clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d_%H%M]
file copy ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit ../${bitfile_name}.bit
file copy ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit ./work/${bitfile_name}.bit
if [file exists ./${proj_name}.mmi] {
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