Commit 13e85c71 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

Fix bug in bicolor led controller.

The column signals where not properly driven, preventing to light the led independantly.
parent ed0566a9
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ architecture rtl of bicolor_led_ctrl is
signal intensity_ctrl : std_logic;
signal line_oen_cnt : unsigned(c_LINE_OEN_CNT_NB_BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal line_oen : std_logic_vector(2**c_LINE_OEN_CNT_NB_BITS - 1 downto 0);
signal led_state : std_logic_vector((g_NB_LINE * g_NB_COLUMN) -1 downto 0);
......@@ -225,11 +226,15 @@ begin
-- Columns output
f_column_o : for I in 0 to g_NB_COLUMN - 1 generate
column_o(I) <= '0' when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_RED else
'1' when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_GREEN else
(line_ctrl and intensity_ctrl) when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_OFF else
not(line_ctrl and intensity_ctrl) when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_RED_GREEN;
f_led_state : for I in 0 to (g_NB_COLUMN * g_NB_LINE) - 1 generate
led_state(I) <= '0' when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_RED else
'1' when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_GREEN else
(line_ctrl and intensity_ctrl) when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_OFF else
not(line_ctrl and intensity_ctrl) when led_state_i(2 * I + 1 downto 2 * I) = c_LED_RED_GREEN;
end generate f_led_state;
f_column_o : for C in 0 to g_NB_COLUMN - 1 generate
column_o(C) <= led_state(g_NB_COLUMN * to_integer(line_oen_cnt) + C);
end generate f_column_o;
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