Commit b81f25cc authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

fpga to test the vme64xcore

parent 48db986c
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
syn_device = "xc6slx150t"
syn_grade = "-3"
syn_package = "fgg900"
syn_top = "svec_vmecore_test_top"
syn_project = "svec_vmecore_test_top.xise"
syn_tool = "ise"
modules = {
"local" : [
fetchto = "../../ip_cores"
files = [
modules = {
"git" : [ "git://",
"git://" ]
library ieee;
use ieee.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
entity vmecore_test is
clk_sys_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
slave_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
slave_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
leds_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
irq_o : out std_logic
end vmecore_test;
architecture rtl of vmecore_test is
-- Memory map:
-- 0 - 0x1ff: sram (512B)
-- 0x1000: leds (4B)
-- 0x2000: counter (4B). Generate a timeout when 0 is reached.
signal counter : unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal leds : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal last_trans : std_logic_vector (20 downto 0);
signal nbr_read : unsigned (15 downto 0);
signal nbr_write: unsigned (15 downto 0);
type sram_type is array (0 to 16#1ff#) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal sram: sram_type;
process (clk_sys_i)
variable idx : natural;
if rising_edge(clk_sys_i) then
slave_o.ack <= '0';
slave_o.stall <= '0';
if rst_n_i = '0' then
counter <= (others => '0');
leds <= (others => '0');
nbr_read <= (others => '0');
nbr_write <= (others => '0');
-- Decrementer
if counter /= (counter'range => '0') then
counter <= counter - 1;
end if;
if slave_i.stb = '1' then
if slave_i.adr (13 downto 12) = "00" then
last_trans (15 downto 0) <= slave_i.adr (15 downto 0);
last_trans (19 downto 16) <= slave_i.sel;
last_trans (20) <= slave_i.we;
end if;
if slave_i.we = '1' then
-- Write
nbr_write <= nbr_write + 1;
case slave_i.adr (13 downto 12) is
when "00" =>
idx := to_integer(unsigned(slave_i.adr(8 downto 0)));
for i in 3 downto 0 loop
if slave_i.sel (i) = '1' then
sram(idx)(8*i + 7 downto 8*i) <=
slave_i.dat(8*i + 7 downto 8*i);
end if;
end loop;
when "01" =>
case slave_i.adr (1 downto 0) is
when "00" =>
for i in 1 downto 0 loop
if slave_i.sel (i) = '1' then
leds(8*i + 7 downto 8*i) <=
slave_i.dat(8*i + 7 downto 8*i);
end if;
end loop;
when "01" =>
when "10" =>
nbr_read <= (others => '0');
when "11" =>
nbr_write <= (others => '0');
when others =>
end case;
when "10" =>
for i in 3 downto 0 loop
if slave_i.sel (i) = '1' then
counter(8*i + 7 downto 8*i) <=
unsigned(slave_i.dat(8*i + 7 downto 8*i));
end if;
end loop;
when "11" =>
when others =>
end case;
slave_o.ack <= '1';
-- Read
nbr_read <= nbr_read + 1;
case slave_i.adr (13 downto 12) is
when "00" =>
idx := to_integer(unsigned(slave_i.adr(8 downto 0)));
slave_o.dat <= sram(idx);
when "01" =>
case slave_i.adr (1 downto 0) is
when "00" =>
slave_o.dat(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
slave_o.dat(15 downto 0) <= leds;
when "01" =>
slave_o.dat <= (31 downto 21 => '0') & last_trans;
when "10" =>
slave_o.dat (31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
slave_o.dat (15 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (nbr_read);
when "11" =>
slave_o.dat (31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
slave_o.dat (15 downto 0) <= std_logic_vector (nbr_write);
when others =>
end case;
when "10" =>
slave_o.dat <= std_logic_vector(counter);
when "11" =>
slave_o.dat (31 downto 16) <= not slave_i.adr(15 downto 0);
slave_o.dat (15 downto 0) <= slave_i.adr(15 downto 0);
when others =>
end case;
slave_o.ack <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
leds_o <= leds;
irq_o <= '1' when counter = 1 else '0';
end rtl;
all: test_vme
test_vme: test_vme.o
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(VMEBRIDGE)/lib/libvmebus.a -lrt
test_vme.o: test_vme.c
$(CC) -c -o $@ $< --std=c99 $(CFLAGS) -I$(VMEBRIDGE)/include/vmebus
$(RM) -f test_vme *.o *~ *.pyc
This is the software to test the vme64xcore on SVEC. is a utility to display cards on the VME bus or CR/CSR of a card:
$ ./
$ ./ -s SLOT
(You need UAL).
test_vme tests the core (many data accesses, dma, interrupts). Usage:
$ ./test_vme -s SLOT
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import PyUAL
import getopt, sys
import lsvme
nbr_err = 0
def report(msg, ok):
global nbr_err
if ok:
s = "OK: "
s = "ERR: "
nbr_err += 1
print(s + msg)
def do_test_cr(cr_csr):
chksum_computed = lsvme.compute_checksum(cr_csr)
chksum_read = cr_csr.readb(0x03)
report("checksum", chksum_read == chksum_computed)
def do_test_mem(addr, am):
print("INFO: memory test using mode 0x{0:02x} {1}".format(
am, lsvme.AM_map[am]))
vme_desc = PyUAL.PyUALVME(4, am, 0x10000, addr, 0)
vme_acc = PyUAL.PyUAL("vme", vme_desc)
# clear
for i in range(0,16,4):
vme_acc.writel(i, 0)
# and check
for i in range(0,16,4):
if vme_acc.readl(i) != 0:
report("clear", False)
# Write a byte and check
vme_acc.writeb(3, 0xb3)
report("byte write at 3", vme_acc.readl(0) == 0xb3000000)
# Write a byte and check
vme_acc.writeb(0, 0x27)
report("byte write at 0", vme_acc.readl(0) == 0xb3000027)
# Write a word
vme_acc.writew(4, 0x3c8f)
report("word write at 4", vme_acc.readl(4) == 0x3c8f)
# Write a word
vme_acc.writew(6, 0x744d)
report("word write at 6", vme_acc.readl(4) == 0x744d3c8f)
# Write a long word
vme_acc.writel(8, 0xedcba987)
report("lword write at 8", vme_acc.readl(8) == 0xedcba987)
# Read byte
report("byte read at 8", vme_acc.readb(8) == 0x87)
report("byte read at 11", vme_acc.readb(11) == 0xed)
report("byte read at 9", vme_acc.readb(9) == 0xa9)
report("byte read at 10", vme_acc.readb(10) == 0xcb)
def swap32(x):
return (((x << 24) & 0xFF000000) |
((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) |
((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
((x >> 24) & 0x000000FF))
def do_test_blt(addr, am):
print("INFO: BLT test using mode 0x{0:02x} {1}".format(
am, lsvme.AM_map[am]))
vme_desc = PyUAL.PyUALVME(4, am, 0x10000, addr, 0)
vme_acc = PyUAL.PyUAL("vme", vme_desc)
# clear
for i in range(0,16,4):
vme_acc.writel(i, 0)
# and check
for i in range(0,16,4):
if vme_acc.readl(i) != 0:
report("clear", False)
for i in range(0xc000, 0xc010, 4):
v = swap32(vme_acc.readl(i))
e = ((i >> 2) | ((~(i >> 2)) << 16)) & 0xffffffff
report("word at {0:04x} (v:{1:08x}, e:{2:08x})".format(i, v, e),
v == e)
def main():
slot = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "s:")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print str(err)
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-s":
slot = int(a)
assert False, "unhandled option"
if not slot:
print ("missing -s SLOT option")
cr_csr_desc = PyUAL.PyUALVME(4, 0x2f, 0x80000, slot << 19, 0)
cr_csr = PyUAL.PyUAL("vme", cr_csr_desc)
if not lsvme.validate_cr(cr_csr):
print ("CR not validated")
ader = lsvme.read_ader(cr_csr, 1)
adem = lsvme.read_adem(cr_csr, 1)
am = ader['am']
if am != 0x39:
print("unexpected AM")
addr = adem['addr'] & ader['addr']
print("INFO: addr: 0x{0:08x}, am: 0x{1:02x} {2}".format(
addr, am, lsvme.AM_map[am]))
am = 0x39
cr_csr.writeb(0x7ff63 + 1 * 0x10 + 0xc, am << 2)
do_test_mem(addr, am)
am = 0x3e
cr_csr.writeb(0x7ff63 + 1 * 0x10 + 0xc, am << 2)
do_test_mem(addr, am)
am = 0x3f
cr_csr.writeb(0x7ff63 + 1 * 0x10 + 0xc, am << 2)
do_test_blt(addr, am)
# Restore AM
am = 0x39
cr_csr.writeb(0x7ff63 + 1 * 0x10 + 0xc, am << 2)
# Report
if nbr_err == 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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